Who is eligible to enter and exit a border gate area in Vietnam?

What are the regulations on border gate area? Who is eligible to enter and exit a border gate area in Vietnam? - Van Cuong (An Giang)

Regulations on border gate areas in Vietnam

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of Decree 112/2014/ND-CP, the border gate areas in Vietnam includes the following areas:

- National gates.

- Areas for specialized state management agencies to conduct procedure clearance, inspection, control and supervision of exit and entry activities.

= The barrier system: For the maintenance of security and order and the regulation of exit and entry activities of people, vehicles and goods through border gates;

= The joint control house: To be reserved for professional activities of specialized state management agencies, comprising the waiting area; the exit and entry procedure clearance area; the external relations room; the violation-handling room; the command and administration room of specialized state management agencies; equipment and technical facility area; the meeting and guest reception room;

= The medical quarantine and medical treatment isolation area;

= The area for procedure clearance, inspection and supervision of vehicles on entry and exit and imports and exports;

= The area of storehouses, wharves and yards for goods to be imported or exported; cargo depots;

= The train station area (for railway border gates);

= Piers and anchorage areas for vessels pending exit, entry or transit procedure clearance (for inland waterway border gates).

- Working areas of related state agencies.

= The working office of the Border Gate Management Board;

= The working offices of the Transport, Banking, Treasury agencies and other related agencies.

- Service and trading activity area.

= Duty-free shops; goods shops, department stores and trade centers;

= Postal services;

= Tourist services;

= Car parks and wharves;

= Non-tariff zone (if any);

= Other service and trade areas.

= Restricted areas and other areas (if any).

- The Ministry of National Defense shall establish the baưier systems and technical facilities to determine the boundaries between the border gate areas and other areas and maintain and ensure political security, social order and safety at border gate areas.

- Border gate areas must have “Khu vuc cua khau” (The Border Gate Area) signboards and a system of signboards, instruction signs and notice boards made according to the models prescribed by the Ministry of National Defense.

- Border-gate inspection, control and supervision procedure clearance areas shall be established for the specialized state management agencies to carry out the inspection, control and supervision procedures according to their prescribed functions and tasks.

- Within border gate areas, the specialized state management agencies may arrange professional and technical facilities and equipment for carrying out the inspection, control and supervision procedures in accordance with law.

Who is eligible to enter and exit a border gate area in Vietnam?

Who is eligible to enter and exit a border gate area in Vietnam? (Internet image)

Who is eligible to enter and exit a border gate area in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 13 of Decree 112/2014/ND-CP, persons eligible to enter and exit a border gate area include:

- Passengers on exit or entry;

- Cadres, combatants, employees and civil servants of specialized state management agencies or related state agencies with working offices in the border gate area;

- Employees of agencies and organizations and individuals conducting service and commercial activities in the border gate area;

- Persons operating or working onboard vehicles carrying imports or exports, or passengers on entry or exit;

- Goods owners, persons dealing in exports and imports who enter and exit the border gate area for carrying out goods import and export procedures;

- Persons coming to work with specialized state management agencies or related agencies with working offices in the border gate area;

- Persons coming for medical examination and treatment (if there exist in the border gate area a healthcare zone for medical examination and treatment);

- In addition to the cases specified above, persons entering or exiting the border gate area for visit, guest reception or seeing off or other purposes shall obtain permits and are subject to the inspection, control, supervision and instruction of border-gate border guard posts.

Mai Thanh Loi


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