This is one of the notable contents stipulated in the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcoholic Beverages 2019, passed by the National Assembly on June 14, 2019.
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From January 01, 2020, it is strictly prohibited for businesses selling beer and alcohol to sell, provide, or promote alcohol to individuals under 18 years old.
Additionally, as stipulated in Clause 5, Article 32 of the Law on Prevention and Control of Alcohol-Related Harms 2019:
***“*5. Establishments selling alcohol must post a notice stating that alcohol is not sold to individuals under 18 years of age. In cases of doubt regarding the buyer’s age, the seller has the right to request the buyer to present identification.”
Thus, alongside the prohibition of selling alcohol, establishments have the responsibility to post notices indicating that alcohol is not for sale to individuals under 18 years old. In cases of doubt concerning the age, the alcohol-selling establishment has the right to request proof of age from the buyer.
The above regulation of the Law on Prevention and Control of Alcohol-Related Harms 2019 aims to limit the early age at which alcohol is consumed in our country and contribute to reducing traffic accidents caused by alcohol consumption.
See more provisions in the Law on Prevention and Control of Alcohol-Related Harms 2019, effective from January 01, 2020.
Toan Trung