What is certificate of information technology application? What does the list of higher education institutions granting certificates of information technology application in Vietnam include? - Minh Thong (Long An. Vietnam)
List of higher education institutions granting certificates of information technology application in Vietnam (Internet image)
1. What is certificate of information technology application?
According to Clause 1, Article 2 of Joint Circular 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT, certificate of information technology application (hereinafter referred to as Certificate) means a certificate of national education system certifying levels of ability and skills of individuals in using technology in conformity with IT skill standards prescribed in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT
2. Eligible examinees and requirements for taking tests in Vietnam
Eligible examinees and requirements for taking tests according to Article 9 of Joint Circular 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT are as follows:
- Eligible examinees: Any person wishing to have his/her IT skills assessed or to have a Certificate as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
- Requirements for taking tests
+ Each examinee must have a valid application for the test and pay adequate test fees as prescribed by law in force;
+ Each examinee wishing to take an advanced Certificate must obtain a basic Certificate.
- Application for test
+ Each examinee shall apply for a test, in person or through an organization, at a testing center;
+ An application for test includes:
++ An application form for test using the form prescribed in Appendix issued with Joint Circular 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT;
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Application form for test |
++ Two (2) photos, in 4cmx6cm size, equivalent to photos in ID cards that are taken within 6 months before the date on which the application for test is submitted; the overleaf of the photo shall bear full name, date of birth and place of birth of the examinee;
++ A copy of any of the following documents: ID card, passport or birth certificate enclosed with a document bearing fan stamping.
3. Regulations on making lists of examinees and test rooms in Vietnam
The list of candidates and test rooms according to Article 12 of Joint Circular 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT are as follows:
- A list of examinees shall be made according to alphabetical order for each test room to determine identification numbers and make seating arrangement for examinees in test rooms.
- Arrange internal and external proctors of test rooms
+ Internal proctors: Each test room has at least 2 internal proctors; each internal proctor will monitor no more than 10 examinees;
+ External proctors: Each external proctor will monitor no more than 3 test rooms.
- Test room arrangement
+ Each test room has a list of examinees' photos. Regulations of test room, a list of examinees and other regulations (if any) must be posted at the door of the test room; a online surveillance camera and a clock must be operated during the testing time;
+ Examinees are assigned to sit separately on each side by a minimum of 1.2 m (horizontal and vertical);
+ Each examinee is entitled to use a separate computer.
- Computers in test rooms
+ There are sufficient computers in good operation as prescribed in Clause 2 Article 3 of Joint Circular 17/2016/TTLT-BGDĐT-BTTTT;
+ Each computer must be isolated and disconnected with any other internal and external equipment or devices (except for secured transmission used for receipt of tests and transfer of answer documents of examinees); each computer must have date and time in the system set up accurately and have viruses cleaned;
+ Each computer must have software providing the test installed before the test day as specified by the testing center; and no software or any of other materials is installed in the computer;
+ All computers in a test room must be arranged on each side by a minimum of 1.2m (horizontal and vertical) so as to each examinee is not able to look at a neighbor’s screen;
+ A server or a sub-server (in case where the testing place is located differently from the place of server) must be available to store the examinees’ answer documents.
+ Each client located at testing place must be connected with the server or the sub-server (LAN) and disconnected with the Internet.
4. List of higher education institutions granting certificates of information technology application in Vietnam
List of higher education institutions granting certificates of information technology application in Vietnam according to Notice 1226/TB-QLCL dated August 30, 2022:
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Notice 1226/TB-QLCL |
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List of higher education institutions granting certificates of information technology application |
Quoc Dat