University Admission 2017: Candidates Will Not Be Restricted in Their Aspirations

The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the draft plan for the high school graduation exam, university and college admission for 2017. The process of university and college admission in 2017 has some changes compared to 2016.

The 2016 admission process still had some issues that need to be addressed, such as a high rate of phantom candidates making it difficult for schools to determine the benchmark scores; admissions quotas were only based on the training capabilities of the schools without considering the actual societal needs; and inadequate forecasting of the labor market to guide admissions in various fields. Therefore, there will be adjustments to certain aspects of the admissions regulations to ensure suitability and efficiency for 2017.

The 2017 admissions will follow these methods:

- Admission based on the results of the national high school exams;- Preliminary selection based on the results of the national high school exams or based on academic performance in high school combined with examinations to assess the candidate's specialized abilities;- Admission based on high school academic performance;- Combining multiple admission methods.

After receiving the results of the national high school graduation exams, candidates are allowed to register for multiple preferences for admission to universities and colleges, arranged in order of priority.

Thus, if in 2016, candidates were only allowed to register for 4 preferences at 2 schools in the first round, in 2017, candidates are permitted to register for multiple preferences. The registration of multiple preferences by candidates will increase the rate of phantom candidates compared to 2016.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training has proposed a technical support solution to address the issue of increasing phantom candidates when candidates can register for multiple preferences at different institutions. This involves using software to filter out phantom candidates to determine the list of successful candidates with the highest preference among the preferences they have registered. This list is sent to the schools to provide advice and support in handling the issue of phantom candidates. Schools can balance and adjust based on the actual conditions specified in their autonomous admission plan to decide the official list of successful candidates.

The situation of phantom candidates exists in any admission period. Schools that want to control phantom candidates must incorporate market factors into their admissions process, improve their communication efforts, effectively analyze candidate score data, especially for candidates within their admission region. Schools need to emphasize ensuring the quality so that graduates can secure employment, as currently parents and candidates consider employment the most important factor and only choose schools with high employment rates for graduates.


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