Vietnam: How much are fines for selling or providing alcoholic beverages to persons under 18?

Recently, the Government of Vietnam has issued the Decree No. 98/2020/NĐ-CP prescribing penalties for administrative violations against regulations on commerce, production and trade in counterfeit and prohibited goods, and protection of consumer rights.

Bán, cung cấp rượu, bia cho người dưới 18 tuổi bị phạt tiền bao nhiêu?, Nghị Định 98/2020/NĐ-CP

According to Clause 1 Article 30 of the Decree No. 98/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, a fine ranging from VND 500.000 to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed for selling or providing alcoholic beverages to persons under 18.

Besides, violations against regulations on provision of information on effects of alcoholic beverages on health shall be administratively punished as follows:

1. A fine ranging from VND 500.000 to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed upon trader in spirits having less than 5.5% ABV for providing false or inaccurate information on affect of alcoholic beverages on health.

2. A fine ranging from VND 10.000.000 to VND 20.000.000 shall be imposed upon trader in spirits having at least 5.5% ABV for providing false or inaccurate information on affect of alcoholic beverages on health.

Thus, from October 15, 2020, a fine of up to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed for selling or providing alcoholic beverages to persons under 18.

View more details at the Decree No. 98/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from October 15, 2020.

Ty Na


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