Regulations for implementing democracy in the activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam

Regulations for implementing democracy in the activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On May 27, 2024, the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued Decision 1408/QD-BVHTTDL year 2024 on the Regulations on implementing democracy in the activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam.

Regulations for implementing democracy in the activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam

Regulations for implementing democracy in the activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regulations for implementing democracy in the activities of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam 

(1) Governing scope

These regulations stipulate the implementation of democracy in the activities of administrative agencies, public service providers, and organizations under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam (referred to collectively as agencies and units), as well as enterprises in which the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism holds 100% charter capital (referred to as Enterprises). This includes democracy within the internal affairs of agencies and units, as well as in relations and the resolution of work with relevant organizations. To be specific:

- Regulations on the responsibilities of the heads of agencies and units in implementing democracy within the organization and activities of agencies and units, including the disclosure of information, areas subject to monitoring and inspection.

- Regulations on the responsibilities of the heads of agencies and units in relation to the work and resolution of matters involving officials, public employees, and employees, and the relationship between the heads of agencies and units with higher and lower-level authorities.

(2) Applicable subjects:

These regulations apply to officials, public employees, and employees within agencies, units, and enterprises under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, as well as relevant organizations, agencies, and individuals.

(3) Principles of implementing democracy:

- Implement the principles stipulated in Article 3 of the Law on Implementation of grassroots-level democracy 2022.

- Ensure the interests of the State, the rights and legitimate interests of relevant organizations, officials, public employees, employees.

- Strengthen the leadership of the Party, the management of the State, and the core role of political and social organizations in the implementation of grassroots-level democracy.

(4) Objectives of implementing democracy:

- Enhance the decision-making power of officials, public employees, employees, and workers, linked to discipline, administrative procedures, and improve the responsibilities of the heads of agencies, units, and enterprises.

- Contribute to building a team of officials, public employees, and employees with political integrity, ethics, lifestyles, a sense of responsibility, competence, professional skills, creativity, quality, and efficiency; promote unity and meet the requirements of development and innovation in the fields of culture, sports, and tourism.

- Prevent, deter, and combat corruption, waste, and bureaucracy, and contribute to building clean and strong agencies, units, and teams of officials, public employees, and employees.

(5) Responsibilities of officials, public employees, and employees:

- When citizens or organizations make requests, officials, public employees, and employees have the responsibility to handle those requests within their authority. Matters that are not within their authority to resolve must be communicated to the citizens or organizations, providing guidance to direct them to competent authorities. Officials, public employees, and employees must not abuse power, act arbitrarily, engage in corruption, create difficulties, cause inconvenience, or disrupt the resolution of citizens' and organizations' matters.

- Officials, public employees, and employees must study and promptly resolve their work in accordance with the provisions of the law and the regulations and rules of the agency.

- Tasks with designated deadlines must be completed within the prescribed time by officials, public employees, and employees. In complex cases that require time for study and resolution, officials, public employees, and employees have the responsibility to report to their immediate supervisors and promptly inform citizens or organizations (if any).


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