Order some newspaper and magazine publications for particularly difficult areas in Vietnam

Order some newspaper and magazine publications for particularly difficult areas in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

What are the regulations on ordering some newspaper and magazine publications for particularly difficult areas in Vietnam? – Van Tan (Yen Bai)

Order some newspaper and magazine publications for particularly difficult areas in Vietnam

Order some newspaper and magazine publications for particularly difficult areas in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Order some newspaper and magazine publications for particularly difficult areas in Vietnam

Content mentioned in Decision 752/QD-TTg in 2023 on ordering a number of newspaper and magazine publications for ethnic minority and mountainous areas and especially difficult areas in the period 2023-2025 issued by the Prime Minister.

Placing orders for a number of newspaper and magazine publications for ethnic minority and mountainous areas and areas with extremely difficult circumstances according to the provisions of Decision 1719/QD-TTg in 2021 "Approving the National Target Program for socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period 2021–2030; Phase I: from 2021 to 2025".

Conditions for ordering a number of newspaper and magazine publications in particularly difficult areas in Vietnam

Newspaper and magazine units must meet the following four conditions:

- Have an operating license in accordance with the law on the press, with a guiding principle of serving the right beneficiaries as prescribed in Article 1 of Decision 752/QD-TTg;

- Have sufficient financial capacity, facilities, equipment, machinery, technical qualifications, technology, management qualifications, and workforce to meet order requirements;

- Have at least 03 years of experience publishing specialized pages and publications on mountainous ethnic minority areas and extremely difficult areas;

- There are economic and technical norms, unit prices, and public service prices issued by competent authorities.

Implementation time: 2023–2025.

Funding sources for implementation

From the state budget allocated in the estimate of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period 2021–2030; Phase I: from 2021 to 2025 of the Committee for Ethnic Minorities according to legal regulations on state budget.

Implementation organization

- The Committee for Ethnic Minorities presides and coordinates with relevant ministries, branches, and agencies:

+ Organize and place orders for a number of newspaper and magazine publications for ethnic minority and mountainous areas, especially difficult areas, and implement according to the provisions of law on assigning tasks, placing orders, or bidding to provide public products and services using the state budget from regular expenditure sources; price laws and relevant legal regulations;

+ Issue newspaper and magazine publications promptly and to the right audience according to regulations on providing public postal services and public services in press distribution activities;

+ Preside and coordinate with localities and residential communities to assess people's needs and provide timely information; meet the requirements and tasks of propaganda, especially the policy communication work of the Party and State; Monitor, supervise, and urge policy implementation.

- The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information and Communications, and relevant ministries and branches, based on their assigned functions and tasks, coordinate with the Committee for Ethnic Minorities to organize the implementation of this Decision according to the provisions of the law.

- Provincial People's Committees are responsible for: reviewing and preparing a list of subjects according to regulations; and sending the annual quantity to the Committee for Ethnic Minorities, ensuring timely distribution of newspaper and magazine publications to the right subjects.

Duong Chau Thanh


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