Minimum Knowledge and Responsibilities after Graduating from the Intermediate Veterinary Program

On February 10, 2019, Circular 52/2018/TT-BLDTBXH issued by the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (BLDTBXH) regulating the minimum amount of knowledge and competency requirements that learners must achieve upon graduation from intermediate and college levels in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and veterinary medicine, will take effect.

Knowledge and Minimal Responsibilities After Graduating Vocational School in Veterinary Medicine, Circular 52/2018/TT-BLDTBXH

Knowledge and Minimal Responsibilities After Graduating Vocational School in Veterinary Medicine - Illustration

Pursuant to the regulations on minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements that students must achieve after graduating from vocational and college levels in veterinary medicine, issued along with Circular 52/2018/TT-BLDTBXH, the minimum knowledge requirements to be achieved after graduating from the vocational level in veterinary medicine are as follows:

- Be able to present knowledge about pharmacology, immunology, animal husbandry techniques, and general knowledge about policies and laws related to veterinary medicine;

- Be able to present knowledge about pathology, methods of diagnosing and treating common animal diseases, and pet care services;

- Be able to present knowledge about semen collection and preparation, and obstetric practices;

- Describe all stages in building and implementing disease prevention procedures;

- Present basic knowledge about politics, culture, society, law, national defense and security, physical education, and computer science as prescribed.

Simultaneously, the regulations on the degree of autonomy and minimal responsibilities that students must achieve after graduation are as follows:

- Possess good moral qualities and a correct understanding of the profession, have a cooperative attitude with colleagues, respect the law and regulations at the workplace;

- Be honest and highly disciplined, capable of working independently, ready to undertake assigned tasks; work with high quality and productivity;

- Work independently or in groups to solve complex tasks and problems in changing work conditions. Collaborate effectively with colleagues in performing tasks and resolving real-world situations;

- Guide and supervise others in performing specific tasks. Take personal and team responsibility;

- Evaluate the quality of work upon completion and the performance of team members.

For detailed content, see Circular 52/2018/TT-BLDTBXH, issued on December 28, 2018.

Le Vy


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