Instructions for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development in Vietnam

Instructions for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

What are instructions for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development in Vietnam?

The Central Emulation and Commendation Committee issues Instruction 3350/HD-BTDKT in 2023 on rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement "Promoting the development of synchronous and modern infrastructure; practicing thrift and combating waste".

Instructions for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development in Vietnam

Instructions for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Instructions for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development in Vietnam

The subjects, principles, and standards for rewarding achievements in the Emulation Movement "Promoting the development of synchronous and modern infrastructure; practicing thrift; and combating waste" are as follows:

1. Objects of reward

Ministries, departments, branches, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, social organizations, and people's organizations; People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities (hereinafter abbreviated as ministries, branches, and localities); units belonging to and affiliated with ministries, branches, and localities; provincial departments, divisions, and branches; districts, towns, and cities directly under the province; communes, wards, and towns at the district level; organizations, businesses, households, collectives, and individuals with outstanding achievements in participating in the Emulation Movement.

2. Principle of reward

- The form of reward is appropriate to the object, functions, assigned tasks of the group and individual, and achievements achieved.

- Rewards and proposed forms of reward ensure the following principles: the management level of the organization, officers, civil servants, public employees, employees, salary funds, or heads of enterprises and other economic organizations are responsible for considering rewards or submitting them to competent authorities for consideration of rewards for objects within the scope of management.

- Do not give many forms of reward for one achievement.

- Have not considered giving or proposed to consider rewarding for collectives or individuals while the competent authority is considering disciplinary action, handling administrative violations, or is in the process of investigation, prosecution, or trial; Inspect and check when there are signs of violations, complaints, or denunciations that are being verified and clarified.

3. Reward standards

3.1. For exemplary collectives and individuals who well comply with the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws of the State, have outstanding achievements in the emulation movement to promote synchronous and modern infrastructure development, and meet the following standards:

- For ministries and branches

+ Complete quality, on time, and ahead of schedule in promulgating mechanisms, policies, and legal documents in the field of infrastructure construction to promote investment, construction, and development of synchronous, quality, and modern infrastructure.

+ Drastic direction and promotion of high technology applications; completing projects of national importance; large-scale infrastructure projects with quality and ahead of schedule; enhancing regional, inter-regional, regional, and international connectivity and other tasks assigned by the Government and Prime Minister.

+ Effectively deploy the National Digital Transformation Program, the national strategy for developing the digital economy and digital society.

+ Promote reform of administrative procedures, ensuring openness and convenience; The number of comprehensive online public services provided must gradually increase over the years; Only consider rewarding units providing online public services with a rate of 80% or higher.

+ Implement well the disbursement of public investment capital associated with ensuring project quality and capital use efficiency. Only consider rewarding ministries and branches that complete disbursement, reaching 95%–100% of the public investment capital plan assigned by the Prime Minister.

+ Implement fully and on schedule the assigned tasks in Decision 1478/QD-TTg dated November 28, 2022, of the Prime Minister on promulgating the Plan to implement the Emulation Movement.

+ There are many creative ways and effective solutions to organizing and implementing the Emulation Movement.

- For provinces and centrally run cities

+ Completion with quality, meeting and exceeding emulation criteria in the fields of: transportation infrastructure development; developing energy infrastructure, power supply, and commercial infrastructure; developing digital infrastructure, postal infrastructure, and national digital platform; agricultural and rural infrastructure development; developing urban technical infrastructure; infrastructure to adapt to climate change; social infrastructure development; and administrative reform.

+ Effectively deploy the National Digital Transformation Program, the national strategy for developing the digital economy and digital society;

+ Promote reform of administrative procedures, ensuring openness and convenience; the number of comprehensive online public services provided must gradually increase over the years; only consider rewarding units providing online public services with a rate of 80% or higher. Make information public and transparent, and build a monitoring mechanism for people from all walks of life to participate in monitoring local implementation.

+ Implement well the disbursement of public investment capital associated with ensuring project quality and capital use efficiency; only consider rewarding localities that complete disbursement reaches 95%–100% of the public investment capital plan assigned by the Prime Minister.

+ There are many creative ways and effective solutions to organizing and implementing the Emulation Movement.

- For the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, social organizations, and people's organizations

+ Coordinate with ministries, branches, localities, organizations, and businesses to effectively launch emulation movements, contributing to completion ahead of schedule and ensuring the quality of works and projects.

+ Propagate and mobilize members, union members, and people to participate in the Emulation Movement, actively participate in building infrastructure,
especially transport infrastructure and welfare projects in residential areas with specific and practical actions.

+ Carry out good and effective social criticism; supervise the development of policy mechanisms and the implementation of infrastructure construction and development; and timely report to competent authorities when detecting violations in the local area.

- For units belonging to and affiliated with ministries, branches, and localities; provincial departments, divisions, and branches; district; Commune

+ Complete assigned projects or infrastructure development tasks with quality and ahead of schedule.

+ Issue a plan to deploy the emulation movement or respond to the emulation movement of ministries, branches and localities; take effective measures to strengthen the management and supervision of infrastructure development projects.

+ Have typical outstanding achievements, set an example, and be reviewed in the province's Emulation Movement.

- For organizations, businesses, and households

+ Have specific and practical contributions in infrastructure construction recognized by competent authorities.

+ Master the technology of constructing and operating large-scale infrastructure projects, improving working methods, construction management, and mobilizing modern equipment to participate in construction to improve professionalism, increase labor productivity, quality, efficiency, and environmental protection, and contribute to the early completion of important national projects and projects of ministries, branches, and localities.

- For individuals:

+ Officials, civil servants, and public employees have made many efforts to stay close to the grassroots, have useful initiatives and solutions in building, submit to competent authorities for promulgation, organize implementation, and closely monitor the implementation of mechanisms, policies, instructions, or remove difficulties for establishments in infrastructure construction recognized by competent authorities.

+ Other subjects (domestic and foreign individuals, Vietnamese people residing abroad, etc.) have many contributions in terms of effort, intelligence, and material; research, transfer, application of modern technology, change in construction methods, reasonable use of resources, serving the construction and management of infrastructure works, recognized by competent authorities.

3.2. For exemplary collectives and individuals who well comply with the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws of the State, and have outstanding achievements.
in the emulation movement to practice thrift, combat waste, and achieve the following standards:

- For the collective

+ Promulgate programs or plans to practice thrift and combat waste of ministries, branches, and localities fully and on time. The content of the program and plan ensures compliance with the goals and targets stated in the Government's Master Program on practicing thrift and combating waste. Specify the goals, savings targets, and anti-waste requirements of your level and sector to ensure they are not lower than the targets stated in the Government's Master Program.

+ Develop and promulgate norms and standards promulgated by competent state agencies according to the provisions of law within the industry, field, and locality. Carry out inspection, examination, supervision, handle violations, and publicize the handling of violations on thrift practices and waste prevention within the industry and management field, as well as for agencies and organizations under its management authority.

+ Perform well the work of practicing thrift and preventing waste in preparing, appraising, approving estimates, finalizing, managing, and using state funds.

+ Carry out procurement, construction, management, and use of state assets to ensure the correct purposes, subjects, norms, standards, and regimes issued by competent state agencies.

+ Carry out management, exploitation, and use of natural resources for national sustainable development in accordance with regulations such as management, land use, management, exploitation and use of other resources, use of scientific and technological advances in resource exploitation and processing; Ensuring the management, exploitation and use of resources reasonably, effectively, economically and for the right purpose; effectively deploying and implementing resource recycling and reuse, renewable energy projects.

+ Practice savings and combat waste in organizational structure, use of labor and working time in the state sector, and management and use of state capital and assets at enterprises. Innovate and improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises; effectively use and diversify capital sources with a reasonable, economical, and right-purpose capital structure; and innovate and manage according to international standards.

+ Practice thrift and combat waste effectively in people's production, business, and consumption activities.

+ Carry out scoring and get high results in evaluating savings practices and preventing waste in regular expenses according to Circular 129/2017/TT-BTC dated December 4, 2017 of the Ministry of Finance on regulations on criteria for evaluating the results of practicing thrift and preventing waste in recurrent expenditure.

+ There are many effective solutions and initiatives for organizing and implementing the Emulation Movement

- For individuals

+ Officials, civil servants, and public employees are exemplary in managing and using assigned state capital and assets for the right purposes, norms, standards, and regimes; they have useful initiatives and solutions recognized by competent authorities in practicing thrift and combating waste.

+ Other subjects (domestic and foreign individuals, Vietnamese residing abroad, etc.) have useful initiatives and solutions recognized by competent authorities in practicing thrift and combating waste; environmental protection and sustainable development; Participate in monitoring thrift practices, combating waste, and detecting and promptly reporting to competent organizations and individuals about acts that cause waste.


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