How are procedures for extending radiation-related permit in Vietnam for organizations and individuals?

On December 09, 2020, the Government of Vietnam issued the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP on implementation of radiation-related affairs and provision of auxiliary services for atomic energy application.

gia hạn GP tiến hành công việc bức xạ, Nghị định 142/2020/NĐ-CP

According to Article 30 of the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, procedures for extending radiation-related permit are guided as follows:

1. Organizations and individuals shall submit applications to competent authorities within 45 days before permit that remains valid for more than 12 months expires or 15 days before permit that remains valid for 6 months or 12 months expires.  After the aforementioned deadlines, organizations and individuals must apply for a new permit.

2. Implementation

Organizations and individuals shall submit application for extension of radiation-related affair permit to competent agencies capable of issuing the permit according to Clause 1 Article 29 of the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP.

3. Application compositions

- Applications for extension of permit using Form No. 6 under Annex IV of the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP;

- Copies of previously issued permit which is close of expire;

- Personal dose rate measurement during valid period of permit requested for extension;

- Copies of radiation monitoring results;

- Copies of assessment certificates for equipment (for use of radiation devices and operation of irradiators in medical);

- Declarations for radiation employees or radiation safety personnel (in case of changes compared to the latest applications for permit issuance);

- Radiation safety assessment reports using corresponding form under Annex V of the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP (in case of changes compared to the latest applications for permit issuance).

4. Application quantity: 1.

5. Deadline for resolution and result return

- Within 5 working days from the date on which applications are received, application receivers must examine adequacy and legitimacy of applications and inform fees in writing in case of adequate applications or request revision in writing in case of inadequate applications.

- After receiving adequate applications and fees, competent agencies are responsible for organizing appraisal of applications and issuing permit using Form No. 2 under Annex VI of the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP within:

+ 30 days for extension of permit that remains valid for more than 12 months;

+ 25 days for extension of permit for use of diagnostic X-ray devices in medical;

+ 15 days for extension of permit that remains valid for 12 months or 6 months.

- In case of not extending radiation-related affair permit: Within the period specified above, competent agencies must respond in writing and specify reasons.

View more details at the Decree No. 142/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from February 01, 2021.

Thuy Tram


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