Salary table, salary coefficients for public security forces, and people's police officers in Vietnam starting from 202

Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the statutory pay rate for 2021 will not increase and will remain at VND 1,490,000 per month. What are the details of the the salary scale and coefficient of the People's Public Security Forces and People's Police officers from 2021?

Salary  coefficients  for  public  security  forces

Salary table, salary coefficients for public security forces, and people's police officers in Vietnam starting from 2021 (Illustrative image)

In the newly passed Resolution, at the 10th session of the XIV National Assembly, the National Assembly of Vietnam assigned the Government of Vietnam to implement a number of measures to manage the financial and state budget duties in 2021. Notably, the statutory pay rate for 2021 will not be adjusted upwards. Also related to the statutory pay rate, through this Resolution, in 2020, there will also be no adjustment to the statutory pay rate, pensions, social insurance allowances, monthly allowances (for subjects guaranteed by the state budget), and preferential treatment allowances for those who contributed to the revolution. Resources will be focused on combating the COVID-19 pandemic, overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, implementing established social security policies, ensuring national defense, security, and foreign affairs.

Therefore, the statutory pay rate for 2021 will not increase and will remain at 1,490,000 VND/month according to the provisions of Decree 38/2019/ND-CP on the statutory pay rate for officials, public employees, and armed forces. Consequently, with the maintenance of this base salary, the salary table and salary coefficients for public security forces and the people's police from 2021 will be calculated as follows (unit: million VND):

1. Salary table by military rank for People's Public Security and People's Police officers in Vietnam

No. Military Rank of Officer Equivalent Cipher Rank Salary Coefficient for Public Security Forces Salary from 2021
1 General - 10.40 15,496,000
2 Senior Lieutenant General - 9.80 14,602,000
3 Lieutenant General - 9.20 13,708,000
4 Major General Rank 9 8.60 12,814,000
5 Colonel Rank 8 8.00 11,920,000
6 Senior Lieutenant Colonel Rank 7 7.30 10,877,000
7 Lieutenant Colonel Rank 6 6.60 9,834,000
8 Major Rank 5 6.00 8,940,000
9 Captain Rank 4 5.40 8,046,000
10 Senior Lieutenant Rank 3 5.00 7,450,000
11 Lieutenant Rank 2 4.60 6,854,000
12 Junior Lieutenant Rank 1 4.20 6,258,000
13 Sergeant - 3.80 5,662,000
14 Corporal - 3.50 5,215,000
15 Private First Class - 3.20 4,768,000

2. Salary increment table for People's Public Security officers in Vietnam

No. Military Rank of Officer Equivalent Cipher Rank First Increment Second Increment
Coefficient Salary from 2021 Coefficient Salary from 2021
1 General - 11.00 15,496,000 - -
2 Senior Lieutenant General - 10.40 13,520,000 - -
3 Lieutenant General - 9.80 14,602,000 - -
4 Major General Rank 9 9.20 13,708,000 - -
5 Colonel Rank 8 8.40 12,516,000 8.60 12,814,000
6 Senior Lieutenant Colonel Rank 7 7.70 11,473,000 8.10 12,069,000
7 Lieutenant Colonel Rank 6 7.00 10,430,000 7.40 11,026,000
8 Major Rank 5 6.40 9,536,000 6.80 10,132,000
9 Captain - 5.80 8,642,000 6.20 9,238,000
10 Senior Lieutenant - 5.35 7,971,500 5.70 8,493,000

Particular attention, the salary increment duration for the ranks of Major General, Lieutenant General, Senior Lieutenant General, and General is 4 years.

Legal Basis:

- Decree 204/2004/ND-CP;

- Decree 17/2013/ND-CP;

- Decree 38/2019/ND-CP.

>>>See more:

- Update: Latest military and police salary table from July 01, 2020

- Official: National Assembly agrees statutory pay rate for 2021 will not increase

Ty Na


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