deadline for resolution and result return for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?


">  deadline for resolution and result return for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?



In Vietnam, what are regulations on procedures for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?

In Vietnam, what are regulations on procedures for issuance of radiation-related affair permit? In Vietnam, what are regulations on deadline for resolution and result return for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?


In Vietnam, what are regulations on procedures for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?

Pursuant to Clauses 1, 2, and 3, Article 29 of Decree 142/2020/ND-CP stipulating procedures for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?

1. Implementation

a) Organizations and individuals shall apply for radiation-related affair permit (other than use of diagnostic X-ray devices in medical) by:

- Online at public service portal of Ministry of Science and Technology (excluding administrative procedures according to national single-window system and ASEAN single-window system);

- In person or via post service to Ministry of Science and Technology.

b) Organizations and individuals shall apply for radiation-related affair permit that includes the use of diagnostic X-ray devices in medical by:

- Online at public service portal of provinces;

- In person or via post service to public administration service centers or departments of reception and result return of agencies specialized in science and technology affiliated to People’s Committees of provinces.   

2. Application compositions

Compositions of applications for issuance of respective radiation-related affair permit are specified from Articles 15 to Article 27 of this Decree.

3. Application quantity: 1.

In Vietnam, what are regulations on deadline for resolution and result return for issuance of radiation-related affair permit?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 29 of the Decree stipulating deadline for resolution and result return for issuance of radiation-related affair permit:

4. Deadline for resolution and result return

a) Within 5 working days from the date on which applications are received, application receivers must examine adequacy and legitimacy of applications and inform fees in writing in case of adequate applications or request revision in writing in case of inadequate applications.

b) After receiving adequate applications and fees, competent agencies are responsible for organizing appraisal of applications and issuing permit using Form No. 2 under Annex VI of this Decree within:

- 15 days for import, export and transit;

- 25 days for diagnostic X-ray devices used in medical;

- 30 days for transportation;

- 45 days for other radiation-related affairs.

c) In case of not issuing radiation-related affair permit: Within the period specified under Point b of this Clause, competent agencies must respond in writing and specify reasons.

Best regards!


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