Circular 35/2024/TT-BTNMT on technical procedures for the collection, transportation, and treatment of domestic solid waste in Vietnam

Has the Circular 35/2024/TT-BTNMT on technical procedures for the collection, transportation, and treatment of domestic solid waste in Vietnam been issued yet?

Circular 35/2024/TT-BTNMT on technical procedures for the collection, transportation, and treatment of domestic solid waste in Vietnam

On December 19, 2024, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam issued Circular 35/2024/TT-BTNMT stipulating the technical procedures for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste from households and individuals after classification.

The technical procedures for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste are defined as follows:

- Technical procedures for collecting and transporting household solid waste:

+ Manual collection procedure of household solid waste from households and individuals to staging areas

+ Mechanical collection procedure of household solid waste from households and individuals to reception facilities

+ Transportation procedure of household solid waste from staging areas to reception facilities, and from transfer stations to processing facilities

+ Transportation procedure for bulky waste from collection points to processing facilities

+ Transportation procedure for hazardous waste generated from households, individuals, and collection points to processing facilities or hazardous waste storage points

+ Transportation procedure for wastewater generated during the collection, transportation, processing of household solid waste to processing facilities

+ Sanitation procedure for household solid waste staging areas

- Technical operation procedures for waste sorting stations, capable of reuse, recycling, and transfer of household solid waste:

+ Operation procedure for waste sorting stations capable of reuse and recycling

+ Operation procedure for household solid waste transfer stations using compression equipment

+ Operation procedure for household solid waste transfer stations without using compression equipment

- Technical procedures for processing household solid waste:

+ Operation procedure for facilities processing food waste into compost

+ Operation procedure for sanitary landfill facilities for household solid waste

+ Operation procedure for facilities incinerating household solid waste to recover energy for electricity generation

+ Operation procedure for facilities incinerating household solid waste without energy recovery

+ Operation procedure for facilities processing bulky waste

+ Operation procedure for facilities processing wastewater generated during the collection, transportation, processing of household solid waste.

Has  Circular  35/2024/TT-BTNMT  on  Technical  Procedures  for  Collecting,  Transporting,  and  Processing  Household  Solid  Waste  been  issued?

Circular 35/2024/TT-BTNMT on technical procedures for the collection, transportation, and treatment of domestic solid waste in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

What are the environmental protection requirements for household solid waste reception facilities in Vietnam?

According to clause 3 Article 4 of Circular 35/2024/TT-BTNMT, household solid waste reception facilities must meet the following environmental protection requirements:

- Allocate a reception area for household solid waste with sufficient space for vehicles to await discharge and compatible with the facility's reception capacity and processing capacity; minimizing pollution emission, odors, and insect intrusion

- Transfer waste capable of reuse, recycling after classification to organizations, individuals having the capacity of collection, transportation, use of scraps as production materials, or self-processing as prescribed

- Operate household solid waste reception facilities not exceeding designed capacity; ensure complete processing of all received household solid waste under signed contracts

- Generated waste must be collected and processed to meet environmental protection requirements or transferred for processing as prescribed.

What are grounds for the service price for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste from households in Vietnam?

Based on Article 79 of the Environmental Protection Law 2020 (amended by clause 7 Article 73 of the Price Law 2023), the costs for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste are regulated as follows:

Article 79. Costs for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste

  1. The service price for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste from households and individuals is calculated based on the following:

a) Compliance with legal provisions on pricing;

b) Based on the weight or volume of waste classified;

c) Solid waste capable of reuse, recycling, and hazardous waste generated from households, individuals classified separately are not subject to service charges for collection, transportation, and processing.

  1. In cases where households, individuals do not classify or classify non-conformably as stipulated at points a and b of clause 1 Article 75 of this Law, they must pay service charges for collection, transportation, and processing as with other household solid waste.
  1. Agencies, organizations, production facilities, businesses, service providers, concentrated production, business and service zones, industrial clusters generating waste from household activities, offices with small amounts as stipulated by the Government of Vietnam may choose the form of household solid waste management like families, individuals as prescribed in Article 75 of this Law or manage as per clause 4 of this Article.


The service price for collecting, transporting, and processing household solid waste from households is calculated based on the following:

- Compliance with legal provisions on pricing

- Based on the weight or volume of waste classified

- Solid waste capable of reuse, recycling, and hazardous waste generated from households, individuals classified separately are not subject to service charges for collection, transportation, and processing.

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