What is the electricity transmission price until December 31, 2024 in Vietnam?
What is the electricity transmission price until December 31, 2024 in Vietnam?
On December 20, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Decision 3420/QD-BCT 2024 regarding the electricity transmission price for the year 2024.
The electricity transmission price for 2024 is 83.07 VND/kWh (excluding value-added tax). The application period for the electricity transmission price in 2024 is from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024.
What is the electricity transmission price until December 31, 2024 in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are rights and obligations of electricity transmission units in Vietnam?
Based on Article 60 of the Electricity Law 2024 regulating the rights and obligations of the electricity transmission unit:
Article 60. Rights and obligations of the electricity transmission unit
- The electricity transmission unit has the following rights:
a) Connect to the national power system when meeting the conditions and technical requirements;
b) Request the competent state authority to amend or supplement related technical standards and economic-technical norms;
c) Develop and submit electricity transmission service prices for approval;
d) Provide electricity transmission services as prescribed;
e) Be provided with necessary information related to electricity transmission activities;
f) Enter the management area of the electricity purchaser to manipulate, maintain, repair, and replace new equipment of the electricity transmission unit;
g) Other rights as stipulated by this Law and other related legal provisions.
The electricity transmission unit in Vietnam has the following rights and obligations:
[1] The electricity transmission unit has the following rights:
- Connect to the national power system when meeting the conditions and technical requirements
- Request the competent state authority to amend or supplement related technical standards and economic-technical norms
- Develop and submit electricity transmission service prices for approval
- Provide electricity transmission services as prescribed
- Be provided with necessary information related to electricity transmission activities
- Enter the management area of the electricity purchaser to manipulate, maintain, repair, and replace new equipment of the electricity transmission unit
- Other rights as prescribed
[2] The electricity transmission unit has the following obligations:
- Ensure the provision of transmission services and auxiliary services for related parties, the connection rights of organizations and individuals engaged in electricity activities to the managed transmission grid, except in cases where the transmission grid is overloaded as confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade
- In cases of threats to human life and equipment safety, discontinue or request the control authority to reduce transmission levels if no alternative solutions are available
- Develop investment plans for the development of the transmission grid and implement investment to meet transmission demands according to power development planning, execute investment plans, install metering equipment, and other auxiliary equipment, unless otherwise agreed with the electricity generating unit, distributing unit, or customer
- Ensure the safety, stability, and reliability of the grid and equipment under management and operation
- Comply with regulations on power system operation, safety, and electricity market management
- Comply with the operation methods, commands, and control orders of the authorized control authority
- Immediately notify the competent control authority and relevant organizations and individuals in case of grid incidents
- Report information related to equipment readiness, reserve levels, and other related information as requested by the national power system operator, electricity market transaction operators, and competent state authorities
- Other obligations as stipulated
Is a license required for electricity transmission operations in Vietnam?
Based on Article 30 of the Electricity Law 2024 regulating principles for issuing electricity operation licenses:
Article 30. Principles for issuing electricity operation licenses
- Electricity operation fields that must be licensed include: power generation, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, wholesale electricity, and retail electricity.
- Organizations meeting the conditions prescribed by this Law shall be granted an electricity operation license, except as specified in Article 33 of this Law.
- Electricity operation licenses are not issued for the investment stage. Investment activities in the electricity sector are conducted in accordance with investment laws.
- Electricity operation licenses are issued for organizations to perform one or multiple electricity operation fields.
- Electricity operation licenses in the power generation field are issued to organizations owning power plants by project component or entire project.
According to the above regulations, electricity transmission activities must be licensed for electricity operation.
Note: The Electricity Law 2024 is effective from February 1, 2025.