Implementation of the Annual Audit Plan of the Sectoral State Audit of Vietnam Ia
In Clause 3, Article 12 of the Working Regulations of the State Audit Office for Specialized Sector Ia, issued with Decision 1561/QD-KTNN in 2018, it is stipulated:
The implementation of the annual audit plan for the audit conclusions and recommendations of the year:
- Based on the annual audit organization plan approved by the State Auditor General, the Chief Auditor of the KTNN CN Ia assigns tasks to each Chief of the Audit Team. The General Department head advises the Chief Auditor on allocating personnel targets for each Audit Batch to various departments, based on which departments assign officials from their management divisions to participate in audit activities according to each Batch. The General Department head aggregates the list of participants for each Batch of the entire unit and reports it to the Chief Auditor to organize a meeting with the key officials of KTNN CNIa, including the leadership of KTNN CNIa, department heads, the Union President, and the Secretary of the Youth Communist League of Ho Chi Minh City from KTNN CNIa, to discuss and solicit opinions on the organizational structure of each Audit Team. The Audit Team Leader has the responsibility to propose a Deputy Team Leader, Team Leader, and members of the Audit Team for feedback from meeting attendees before the Chief Auditor concludes. Based on the meeting results, the General Department advises the Chief Auditor to notify the concerned departments within the unit and submit to the State Auditor General for decision on each audit.
Based on the audit organization plan of KTNN CNIa announced by the Chief Auditor, department heads must inform each official assigned to participate in each Audit Team and organize its implementation.
The Survey Team (or Group) gathers information to draft a general audit plan for the audit and is established by the Chief Auditor following the proposal of the Audit Team Leader. They conduct surveys, collect information, and draft a general audit plan for the audit, in accordance with the current regulations of KTNN.
- The Chief Auditor directs the Audit Teams to execute the audit decision and the general audit plan for the audit that has been approved by the State Auditor General according to the provisions of the State Audit Law and the Regulations on Organization and Operation of the State Audit Teams.
- Based on the announcement of the audit conclusions and recommendations implementation plan of the year by the State Auditor General, the Chief Auditor organizes the announcement of the plan according to the regulations of KTNN.
The above is the regulation on the organization to implement the annual audit plan of the KTNN for Specialized Sector Ia.