What is an electronic invoice in Vietnam? What types of invoices are considered electronic invoices in Vietnam?
What is an electronic invoice in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP:
Article 3. Explanation of Terms
In this Decree, the following terms are understood as follows:
- An invoice is an accounting document prepared by an organization or individual selling goods or providing services, recording information on the sale of goods or provision of services. The invoice is presented in the form of an electronic invoice or a printed invoice issued by the tax authorities.
2. An electronic invoice is an invoice with or without a code from the tax authorities, presented in electronic data format by the organization or individual selling goods or providing services using electronic means to record information on the sale of goods or provision of services in accordance with the law on accounting, tax laws, including the case where the invoice is created from a cash register connected to transfer electronic data to the tax authorities, in which:
a) An electronic invoice with a tax authority code is an electronic invoice that receives a code from the tax authorities before the organization or individual selling goods, providing services sends it to the buyer.
According to the above regulations, an electronic invoice is an invoice with or without a code from the tax authorities, presented in electronic data format by the organization or individual selling goods or providing services using electronic means to record information on the sale of goods or provision of services in accordance with the law on accounting, tax laws.
An electronic invoice includes cases where the invoice is generated from a cash register connected to transfer electronic data to the tax authorities. Electronic invoices include:
[1] An electronic invoice with a tax authority code is an electronic invoice receiving a code from the tax authorities before the organization or individual selling goods, providing services sends it to the buyer.
[2] An electronic invoice without a tax authority code is an electronic invoice sent by the organization selling goods, providing services to the buyer without the tax authority’s code.
What is an electronic invoice in Vietnam? What types of invoices are considered electronic invoices in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What types of invoices are considered electronic invoices in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 89 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019 regulating electronic invoices:
Article 89. Electronic invoices
- An electronic invoice is an invoice with or without a code from the tax authorities, presented in electronic data format by the organization or individual selling goods or providing services, recording information on the sale of goods or provision of services in accordance with the law on accounting, tax laws, using electronic means, including the case where the invoice is created from a cash register connected to transfer electronic data to the tax authorities.
- Electronic invoices include value-added tax invoices, sales invoices, electronic stamps, electronic tickets, electronic cards, electronic receipts, electronic delivery cum transport notes or other electronic documents with different titles.
Thus, electronic invoices include the following types:
- Value-added tax invoices
- Sales invoices
- Electronic stamps
- Electronic tickets
- Electronic cards
- Electronic receipts
- Electronic delivery cum transport notes
- Other electronic documents with different titles
What services are included in electronic invoice services?
Pursuant to Article 92 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019 regulating services related to electronic invoices:
Article 92. Services related to electronic invoices
- Services related to electronic invoices include services providing solutions for electronic invoices without a code from the tax authorities, services transmitting data of electronic invoices without a code from the tax authorities from taxpayers to the tax authorities, and services related to electronic invoices with a code from the tax authorities.
- Organizations providing services related to electronic invoices include organizations providing electronic invoice solutions, organizations providing services receiving, transmitting, and storing electronic invoice data and other related services on electronic invoices.
- the Government of Vietnam details this Article and regulates cases of using electronic invoices with a code from the tax authorities without having to pay for services, cases of using electronic invoices with a code from the tax authorities that require payment for services, cases of using electronic invoices without a code from the tax authorities through service providers of electronic invoices.
Thus, services related to electronic invoices include services providing solutions for electronic invoices without a code from the tax authorities, services transmitting data of electronic invoices without a code from the tax authorities from taxpayers to the tax authorities, and services related to electronic invoices with a code from the tax authorities.