15:44 | 23/08/2024

What are objectives of the General Education program 2018 regarding experiential activities at different educational levels in Vietnam?

What are objectives of the General Education program 2018 regarding experiential activities at different educational levels in Vietnam? What are experiential activities?

What are experiential activities of general education program 2018 in Vietnam?

Experiential activities form the subject Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation

Based on Section 1 of the General Education Program for experiential activities and experiential activities with vocational orientation issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT as follows:

Experiential activities (elementary level) and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation (middle school and high school levels) are compulsory educational activities implemented from grade 1 to grade 12.

Experiential activities and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation are educational activities directed, designed, and guided by educators, offering students the opportunity to approach reality, experience positive emotions, utilize existing experiences, and integrate knowledge and skills from various subjects to carry out assigned tasks or solve practical issues within the school, family, and society, appropriate to their age. Through these activities, students transform past experiences into new knowledge, new understandings, and new skills, contributing to the development of their creative potential and adaptability to life, the environment, and future careers.

Experiential activities and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation contribute to the formation and development of essential qualities, general capacities, and specific abilities for students; the content of activities is built upon the relationships of individual students with themselves, with society, with nature, and with careers.

The content of Experiential Activities and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation is divided into two phases: the basic education phase and the vocational-oriented education phase.

- Basic Education Phase:

At the elementary level, the content of Experiential Activities focuses on activities exploring oneself, activities for self-discipline, activities developing relationships with friends, teachers, and family members, social activities, and understanding some occupations close to students, organized with content and forms suitable for their age.

At the middle school level, the content of Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation focuses more on social activities, nature-oriented activities, and vocational-oriented activities, while activities focusing on oneself continue to be carried out to develop students' qualities and abilities.

- Vocational-Oriented Education Phase:

In addition to activities focused on individuals, society, and nature, the content of Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation at the high school level focuses more on career-oriented education activities aimed at developing vocational orientation competence. Through vocational-oriented activities, students are evaluated and self-evaluate their capacities, strengths, and interests related to careers, forming a basis for choosing appropriate careers and developing qualities and competencies necessary for future career adaptability.

The Goals of the 2018 General Education Program for Experiential Activities at All Levels

What are objectives of the General Education program 2018 regarding experiential activities at different educational levels in Vietnam? (Internet image)

What are objectives of the General Education program 2018 regarding experiential activities at different educational levels in Vietnam?

According to Section 3 of the General Education Program for experiential activities and experiential activities with vocational orientation issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the goals of the 2018 General Education Program for experiential activities are as follows:

- General Goals

Experiential activities and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation form and develop in students the capacity to adapt to life, design and organize activities, and career orientation; simultaneously, contribute to the formation and development of essential qualities and general capacities as stipulated in the Overall Curriculum.

Experiential activities and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation help students explore themselves and the world around them, enrich their spiritual lives, appreciate the beauty of nature and human emotions, cultivate correct living conceptions and behaviors, and nourish a love for their homeland, country, awareness of origins, and national identity, contributing to the preservation and development of the good values of Vietnamese people in an integrated world.

- Goals at the Elementary Level

Experiential activities form positive daily habits in students, diligence in labor; fulfilling the responsibilities of a student at home, at school, and in the local community; knowing how to self-assess and self-adjust; establishing cultural communication and behavior; teamwork awareness and problem-solving competencies.

- Goals at the Middle School Level

Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation help students consolidate positive habits, regularity in study and activities, cultural communication and behavior, with a more focused development of personal responsibility: responsibility to themselves, family, community; forming personal values according to social standards; shaping and developing problem-solving abilities; organizing work scientifically; having interest and understanding of some career fields, awareness of cultivating necessary qualities for laborers, and formulating study and training plans suitable for career orientation upon completion of the basic education phase.

- Goals at the High School Level

Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation help students develop qualities and abilities established at the elementary and middle school levels. Upon completion of the vocational-oriented education phase, students can adapt to different living, studying, and working conditions; adapt to changes in modern society; organize life, work, and self-management; develop career interests and make decisions to choose a future career; build training plans meeting professional requirements and become useful citizens.

How are Experiential Activities Organized at All Levels in Vietnam?

According to Section 6 of the General Education Program for experiential activities and experiential activities with vocational orientation issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, experiential activities are organized at all levels through the following forms:

Experiential activities and Experiential Activities, Vocational Orientation are organized inside and outside the classroom, inside and outside the school;

According to group, classroom, grade level, or school-wide scales; mainly through four types of activities: Flag Salute, Class Activities, Thematic Educational Activities, and Club Activities;

With participation, cooperation, and connection of various educational forces inside and outside the school, such as homeroom teachers, subject teachers, school psychological counselors, Youth Union staff, Vietnam Youth Federation staff, Young Pioneer Organization staff, school administrators, students' parents, local authorities, and organizations and individuals in society.

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