10:55 | 30/08/2024

Is the activity of exploring history of students considered a cultural activity in Vietnam?

What are 8 forms of organizing cultural activities for students in educational institutions in Vietnam?

Is the activity of exploring history of students considered a cultural activity in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Circular 26/2017/TT-BGDDT, there are 8 forms of organizing cultural activities for students in educational institutions, including:

- Developing reading culture; organizing activities in school libraries, reading rooms, and research rooms; providing bookshelves in classrooms; exploring cultural knowledge through books, newspapers, magazines, and other media.

- Organizing talks on socio-cultural topics; exploring historical fields and the traditional culture of the nation.

- Organizing cultural, art, and aesthetic creativity clubs such as literature, music, painting, stage, cinema, and other artistic fields; sports activities, recreational games, etc.

- Conducting propaganda and promotion through forms like bulletin boards, posters, slogans, publications; radio stations, informational pages, propaganda pictures, and other suitable forms.

- Organizing exchanges between domestic and international students; arranging for other social organizations.

- Organizing periodic cultural performances, art exhibitions, and film screenings for students; integrating cultural and artistic activities with events, festivals, holidays, and traditional days of the educational institution or local community where the students live.

- Organizing activities of gratitude, respect for those who contributed to the nation, humanitarian, volunteering for the community, environmental protection, and other activities.

- Organizing other cultural activities suitable with law, cultural traditions, and social ethical standards.

Therefore, organizing students to explore history and traditional national culture is one of the forms of organizing cultural activities within educational institutions.

Do students exploring history fall under cultural activities?

Is the activity of exploring history of students considered a cultural activity in Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

Are the results of organizing cultural activities for students included in the competitive evaluation in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 11 of Circular 26/2017/TT-BGDDT:

Rewards and disciplinary actions

1. The results of implementing the provisions on organizing cultural activities for students in educational institutions annually are part of the competitive evaluation and rewards for educational institutions.

2. Based on students' participation results in cultural activities, educational institutions promptly reward outstanding student groups, individual students, staff, and teachers involved in organizing cultural activities.

3. Individuals with outstanding achievements in cultural performances and art festivals at various levels will be rewarded and benefit from current preferential policies.

4. Organizations and individuals violating the provisions of this Circular will be handled according to the law.

Therefore, the results of organizing cultural activities for students will be included in the competitive evaluation and rewards for educational institutions.

Additionally, outstanding achievements by students and educational institutions in participating in cultural activities will be promptly rewarded.

What are the responsibilities of educational institutions in organizing cultural activities for students in Vietnam?

The responsibilities of educational institutions in organizing cultural activities for students are regulated as follows:

(1) Departments of Education and Training Article 7 of Circular 26/2017/TT-BGDDT

- Develop plans, advise the provincial and municipal People's Committees to allocate budgets and mobilize other legitimate funds for regularly organizing cultural activities within educational institutions under their local management; supervise, inspect, and periodically review the implementation of this Circular.

- Actively cooperate with the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and other relevant local units in implementing this Circular.

(2) Universities, academies, universities and colleges of pedagogy, and pedagogy intermediate schools Article 8 of Circular 26/2017/TT-BGDDT

- Develop plans for regularly organizing cultural activities for students.

- Allocate funds from the regular budget and other legitimate revenues; enhance facilities and equipment; create favorable conditions for students to participate in cultural activities within schools and at regional and national levels as prescribed.

- Closely coordinate with mass organizations and local management agencies; Youth Union, Vietnam Student Association, Vietnam Youth Federation, and other organizations within the school to develop plans and implement the Circular.

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