Formula for calculating the area of a circle in the grade 5 curriculum in Vietnam
What is the formula for calculating the area of a circle?
The formula to calculate the area of a circle is one of the mathematical formulas that students will learn in the grade 5 math curriculum.
Formula to calculate the area of a circle: S = πr² Where: S = π(d/2)² *Example: |
*Note: Information is for reference only./.
Formula for calculating the area of a circle in the grade 5 curriculum in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)
Is the formula to calculate the area of a circle taught in the grade 5 curriculum in Vietnam?
According to Section III, Appendix Mathematics General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the grade 5 curriculum includes:
The knowledge section on measurement that students will study includes three parts:
[1] Concepts of quantity and units of measurement:
- Recognize units of area measurement: km2 (square kilometer), ha (hectare).
- Understand "volume" through some specific concept.
- Recognize some common units of volume measurement: cm3 (cubic centimeter), dm3 (cubic decimeter), m3 (cubic meter).
- Recognize the speed of uniform motion; the names, symbols of some speed units: km/h (km/hour), m/s (m/second).
[2] Measuring quantities:
Use some common tools to practice weighing, measuring, counting, reading time, and trading with learned units of measurement and currency.
[3] Calculations and estimations with measurement units:
- Perform conversions and calculations with volume units (cm3, dm3, m3) and time units.
- Calculate the area of triangles, trapezoids.
- Calculate the circumference and area of circles.
- Calculate the surface area, total area, and volume of rectangular prisms and cubes.
- Make volume estimates in simple cases (e.g., volume of a chalk box,...).
- Solve some practical problems related to measuring volume, capacity, time.
- Solve problems related to solving uniform motion (finding speed, distance, time of a uniform motion).
Thus, according to regulations, the formula to calculate the area of a circle will be taught in the grade 5 math curriculum.
What are regulations on distribution of the teaching of grade 5 Mathematics in Vietnam?
Based on Section I, Appendix Mathematics General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the teaching of Mathematics for grade 5has characteristics as follows:
- In the general education program, Mathematics is a compulsory subject from grade 1 to grade 12.
The mathematical education content is divided into two stages:
+ Basic education stage: Mathematics helps students systematically understand the most essential mathematical concepts, principles, and rules necessary for everyone, laying the foundation for studying in higher education levels or using in daily life.
+ Career-oriented education stage: Mathematics provides students with a relatively comprehensive overview of mathematics, understanding the role and applications of mathematics in practice, and the professions related to mathematics, thereby helping students orient their careers, as well as independently explore mathematical issues throughout their lives.
Besides the core educational content, each academic year, students (especially those oriented towards natural sciences and technology) can choose to study some additional learning modules.
These modules aim to enhance knowledge about mathematics, practical application skills, meeting the interests, needs, and career orientations of students.
The Mathematics curriculum in both education stages is linearly structured combined with "concentric spiral" (concentric, expanding, and gradually advancing), revolving around and integrating three knowledge streams: Number, Algebra and some elements of calculus; Geometry and Measurement; Statistics and Probability.
Thus, the division in teaching grade 5 Mathematics will be split into 2 stages [1] Basic education stage; [2] Career-oriented education stage.
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>>> >>> Download the Mathematics General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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