What criteria must a prisoner meet to be classified as good when serving a prison sentence in Vietnam?

What criteria must a prisoner meet to be classified as good when serving a prison sentence in Vietnam?
Trần Thanh Rin

What criteria must a prisoner meet to be classified as good when serving a prison sentence in Vietnam? – Manh Trung (Quang Nam)

What criteria must a prisoner meet to be classified as good when serving a prison sentence in Vietnam?

What criteria must a prisoner meet to be classified as good when serving a prison sentence in Vietnam? (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

What criteria must a prisoner meet to be classified as good when serving a prison sentence in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2, Article 19 of Decree 133/2020/ND-CP, prisoners in Vietnam must fully comply with the following criteria for classifying prison sentences to be classified as good:

(1) Repent, recognize your sins, determine the correct attitude and thoughts, feel secure in studying, working, practicing, and making progress, and uphold the spirit of overcoming difficulties and striving to become a useful person for society;

(2) Have a high sense of responsibility and voluntarily and strictly comply with court judgments and decisions, decisions of competent agencies in criminal judgment execution, and other decisions of state agencies;

(3) Correctly, fully, and seriously implement the internal regulations of the prisoner detention facility and relevant laws and regulations of the prisoner detention facility; Honestly report and denounce the criminal acts of others that you know; actively prevent and fight against negative manifestations, attitudes, and violations of other prisoners;

(4) Have a high sense of responsibility, be self-aware, be proactive in working, seriously comply with staff assignments, fully participate 100% of the work day, work with quality and efficiency, complete 100% of work norms and exceed assigned norms or progress, complete other unexpected tasks well, strictly implement discipline, safety, and labor hygiene, and have the spirit of helping other prisoners at work.

Have a high sense of responsibility; be active in studying, vocational training, and extracurricular educational activities according to regulations; Participate fully in studying, achieving good or better academic results; Have the spirit of striving to study and improve knowledge, understanding, and professional skills;

(5) Correctly, fully, and seriously implement disciplined, orderly, civilized communication and cultural behavior among prisoners; Have a positive spirit, proactively participate, and have outstanding achievements in emulation movements. Have the spirit of helping other prisoners progress;

(6) Actively overcome the consequences of your crime. Inmates who are subject to additional penalties such as fines (if any), payment of court fees, compensation for damages, or other civil obligations must have completed those obligations.

In case the execution is exempted or the judgment declares temporary seizure of the judgment enforcement money, the amount is equal to or higher than the amount to be recovered or assets have been distrained, the civil enforcement agency handling the case confirms that the amount of distrained assets is sufficient or higher to ensure the execution of the judgment, or the civil judgment enforcement agency has decided to suspend the execution of the judgment or decide to end the execution of the judgment, then it is considered to have completely overcome the consequences caused by its criminal act.

In the event that the victim or the victim's legal representative agrees in writing to forgive the debt or confirms receipt of the full amount of the judgment, confirmed by the civil judgment enforcement agency or the commune-level People's Committee of the place of residence, the consequences are considered to have been resolved.

Prisoners must fulfill their monthly support obligation until the classification period is approved by the People's Committee of the commune where the person receiving support resides or the civil judgment enforcement agency handling the case confirms that it has completed its actions up to that point, then it is considered to have actively remedied the consequences.

The offender who commits the crime is a person under the age of 18 whose parent or legal representative is decided by the Court to pay compensation for civil damages if those people have completed the implementation or the prisoner has repeatedly written letters, contacted by phone, directly requested or lobbied his or her father, mother, or legal representative to do so, but only partially completed it is considered to have actively overcome the consequences;

(7) Correctly, fully, and seriously carry out other responsibilities and obligations of prisoners according to the provisions of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments and other relevant laws.


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