Standards for classification of conduct for high school students in Vietnam 2023

What are the standards for classification of conduct for high school students in Vietnam? - Phan Anh (Hanoi, Vietnam)

Tiêu chuẩn xếp loại hạnh kiểm học sinh THPT năm 2023

Standards for classification of conduct for high school students in Vietnam 2023 (Internet image)

1. Bases for evaluation and classification of conduct in Vietnam 2023

Article 3 of the Regulation on assessment and classification of secondary school and high school students promulgated together with Circular 58/2011/TT-BGDDT (Regulations) stipulates the bases for evaluation and classification of conduct in Vietnam as follows:

- Bases for evaluation and classification of conduct:

= Assessment of students’ conduct based on the specific expression of attitudes and ethical behavior;

Behavior in relationships with teachers, officials and public employees, with family, friends and social relationships and sense to strive in learning;

The result of participating in labor, the collective activities of the classes, schools and of society;

Doing exercise, keeping hygiene and environmental protection;

+ The results of commenting the expressions in attitudes, behaviors of students for teaching contents of the citizens education subject provided for in the general education program for secondary school, high school levels issued by the Minister of Education and training.

- Classification of conduct:

Conduct is classified into 4 categories:

= Good grade (G),

= Rather good grade (R),

= Medium grade (I),

= Weak grade (W) after each semester and the school year.

The classification of conduct for the school year is mainly based on conduct classification of the second semester and the student's progress.

2. Standards for classification of conduct in Vietnam 2023

Article 4 of the Regulation stipulates the standards for classification of conduct as follows:

2.1. Good grade:

- Strictly observing the rules of the school; strictly observing the laws and regulations on order and social safety, traffic safety; actively involving in fighting against the negative action, prevention and combat of crime, social evils;

- Always respecting teachers, and adults; love and help young children, having sense to build the collective, uniting, being trusted by friends;

- Positively training morality, having a healthy, simple, unpretentious lifestyle; helping, caring for families;

- Completing fully the task of learning, having sense of striving, honesty in life, in study;

- Actively doing exercise, keeping hygiene and protecting environment;

- Fully participating in educational activities, activities organized by the schools; actively participating in the activities of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers, Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh Communist;

- Having attitudes and appropriate behavior in training ethic, lifestyle according to contents of the citizen education subject.

2.2 Rather good grade:

Implementing the provisions in clause 1 of this Article but having not reached the level of Good; incomplete but timely taking remedy after the teachers and friends comment.

2.3. Medium grade:

There are some shortcomings in the implementation of the provisions in clause 1 of this Article but their levels are not serious; after being prompted, educated, they are absorbed, overcome but their progress is slow.

2.4. Weak grade:

Not being obtained standard of medium grade or having one of the following defects:

- Having mistakes of the serious nature or repeated in the implementation of the provisions in clause 1 of this Article, be educated, but not taking remedy;

- Having impoliteness, hurting dignity, honor, or hurting the body of teachers, school staffs; hurting the honor and dignity of friend or others;

- Having fraud in the study, examination, contest;

- Fighting, disturbing order and security in schools or society; violating traffic safety; causing damage to public property or property of others.

Vo Ngoc Nhi


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