Signage issuance procedures in Vietnam

What are the signage issuance procedures in Vietnam? - Bao Nguyen (Ca Mau)

Signage issuance application in Vietnam

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 22 of Decree 10/2020/ND-CP, a signage issuance application consists of:

- A signage issuance application made using the form in Appendix V of Decree 10/2020/ND-CP;

- A copy of the automobile registration certificate or a copy of an appointment form which states the date of receipt of the automobile registration certificate from the issuer. In case an automobile does not belong to the auto transport business, a copy of one of the following documents is required: the written rental contract concerning the automobile with an organization or individual, or a service contract between a cooperative and a member thereof, or a business cooperation agreement.

Signage issuance procedures in Vietnam

Signage issuance procedures in Vietnam (Internet image)

Signage issuance procedures in Vietnam

Pursuant to Clause 5, Article 22 of Decree 10/2020/ND-CP, signage issuance procedures are as follows:

a) The transport business shall submit an application to the Department of Transport which has issued its business license. If the application needs to be amended, the Department of Transport shall inform the contents to be amended to the applicant directly or in writing or via the online public services system within 01 working day from the date of receipt of the application;

b) Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of the adequate application, the Department of Transport shall issue the signage to the applying automobiles. If the application is rejected, the Department of Transport shall explain the reason to the applicant in writing or via the online public services system.

The Department of Transport shall update the vehicle tracking data system of the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam, inspect and only issue signage if the automobile’s tracker meets all requirements on installation and data transmission.

Applications shall be received and results shall be informed at the office of the Department of Transport or by post or via other suitable forms according to regulations. In case an application is submitted directly or by post, the receiver shall update information in the application to the online public services system of the Ministry of Transport as regulated.

The Department of Transport shall handle applications and issue signage on the online public services system of the Ministry of Transport;

c) The Department of Transport shall inspect the automobile’s certificate of technical safety and environmental protection on the system of Vietnam Register to ensure it is qualified for commercial use.

d) The Department of Transport shall inspect the information on the automobile’s condition on the online public services system of the Ministry of Transport and the vehicle tracking data system of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam and proceed as follows:

Issue the signage to the automobile if the automobile’s information is not available on the system;

If the automobile’s information is available on the system, the Department of Transport receiving the application shall request the Department of Transport managing the automobile to confirm and remove the automobile’s information from the system via the online public services system. Within 02 working days, the Department of Transport managing the automobile must reply or provide an explanation if the request is rejected. The Department of Transport receiving the application shall issue the signage after the automobile’s information has been removed from the system.

Mai Thanh Loi


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