Procedures for lump-sum allowances for young volunteers who have completed their tasks in the resistance war in Vietnam

What are the procedures for lump-sum allowances for young volunteers who have completed their tasks in the resistance war in Vietnam? - Quoc Huy (Dong Nai)

Procedures for lump-sum allowances for young volunteers who have completed their tasks in the resistance war in Vietnam

Procedures for lump-sum allowances for young volunteers who have completed their tasks in the resistance war in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet answers as follows:

Procedures for lump-sum allowances for young volunteers who have completed their tasks in the resistance war in Vietnam

On November 30, 2023, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs issued Decision 1829/QD-LDTBXH regulating procedures for lump-sum allowances for young volunteers who have completed their tasks in the resistance war as follows:

* The order of execution

Step 1: Young volunteers or relatives of young volunteers (in case the young volunteers have passed away) must submit 01 set of documents according to regulations for the commune-level People's Committee where permanent residence is registered.

Step 2: Within 05 working days from the date of receiving complete documents as prescribed (in each batch), the Commune People's Committee is responsible for:

(1) Organize a conference and prepare a record to confirm the application for subsidy benefits according to Form No. 08 in the Appendix issued with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH dated August 29, 2023 of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs amending, supplement and annul a number of articles of Circulars and Joint Circulars with regulations related to the submission and presentation of paper household registration books and paper temporary residence books or documents requiring confirmation of residence when carrying out administrative procedures in the field of state management of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (hereinafter referred to as Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH).

Conference participants include representatives of commune-level leaders (People's Committee, Party Committee, Fatherland Front, Association of Former Youth Volunteers, or Liaison Committee of Former Youth Volunteers). The village head had a group of young volunteers who proposed to resolve the subsidy regime.

(2) Compile dossiers for consideration of benefits for youth volunteers and report to the District People's Committee (sent through the Department of Home Affairs).

Step 3: Within 05 working days from the date of receiving complete documents according to regulations (in each batch), the District People's Committee directs the Department of Home Affairs to complete the examination of records and compile a report to the Provincial People's Committee (sent through the Department of Home Affairs).

Step 4: The Provincial People's Committee is responsible for:

Direct the Department of Home Affairs: Within 10 working days from the date of receiving complete documents according to regulations (in each batch), the Department of Home Affairs presides over and coordinates with the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs to complete the review, appraisal, synthesis, and submission to the Provincial People's Committee for a decision on lump-sum benefits according to Form No. 9, Form No. 10 in the Appendix issued with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH with a summary of the list of young volunteers requesting to receive a lump-sum allowance according to Form No. 12, Form No. 13 in the Appendix issued with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH.

In cases where youth volunteers no longer have one of the documents proving that they are youth volunteers, the Department of Home Affairs compiles and forwards the list of subjects to the Provincial Association of Former Youth Volunteers to request inspection, confirmation, and comments before submitting them to the Provincial People's Committee for decision.

After obtaining the Decision of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, the Department of Home Affairs transfers the decision along with the subject's dossier for consideration of subsidy benefits to the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs for management.

Direct the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs: Within 05 working days from the date of receiving the decision on the settlement of the subsidy regime for youth volunteers (in each batch), the Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs completed the compilation of the list of subjects eligible for lump-sum benefits according to Form No. 15 in the Appendix issued together with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH and the official dispatch requesting additional expenditure estimates for the lump-sum subsidy regime. Send 2 copies to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs.

The Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs is responsible for keeping records of subjects entitled to benefits according to regulations.

* Documents

- One of the following documents proving that you are a youth volunteer (original or copy certified by the commune-level People's Committee):

+ Cadre resume or party member resume declared before Decision 104/1999/QD-TTg dated April 14, 1999 took effect.

+ Documents issued by competent authorities before the youth volunteers return to the locality, such as: a certificate of task completion from the youth volunteers management unit; injury transfer papers; hospital transfer papers; health cards; Certificate of Merit for participating in the youth volunteer force; Certificate of participation in youth volunteers; Paper for work mobilization, appointment, and assignment of tasks.

+ In case the youth volunteer no longer has one of the above documents, he/she must submit an affidavit certified by the commune-level People's Committee where his permanent residence was registered before participating in the youth volunteer program (original copy). The Commune People's Committee is responsible for certifying the declaration for local people who volunteer as youth volunteers but are currently registered as permanent residents in another locality (confirmation content according to Form No. 08 in the Appendix issued with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH).

- Personal declaration:

In case the young volunteer is still alive, make it according to Form No. 05 in the Appendix issued with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH.

In case the youth volunteer has passed away, the relative of the youth volunteer shall make one according to Form No. 06 in the Appendix issued with Circular 08/2023/TT-BLDTBXH.

Number of documents: 01 set.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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