Procedures for issuance of licenses to operate within the protected area of irrigation works in Vietnam

Procedures for issuance of licenses to operate within the protected area of irrigation works in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

What are the procedures for issuance of licenses to operate within the protected area of irrigation works in Vietnam? – Hoai An (Lam Dong)

Procedures for issuance of licenses to operate within the protected area of irrigation works in Vietnam

Procedures for issuance of licenses to operate within the protected area of irrigation works in Vietnam (Internet image)

Procedures for issuance of licenses to operate within the protected area of irrigation works in Vietnam

Currently, the procedure for granting permits for activities within the protected area of irrigation works: construction of new works; drilling, digging for geological surveys; exploration; mining of minerals and construction materials; underground water exploitation; and construction of underground works under the licensing authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is specified in Decision 3216/QD-BNN-TL in 2023.

The order of execution

Step 1: Submit application: Organizations and individuals send dossiers to the Irrigation Department - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Step 2: Complete the profile:

Within 03 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, the dossier-receiving agency shall consider and check the validity of the dossier and submit it to the competent authority for approval; if the application is not valid, the application-receiving agency shall notify the applicant for a license to complete the application as prescribed.

Step 3: Review the application and submit it for approval

Within 25 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers, the licensing agency shall organize the appraisal of the dossiers and, if conditions are satisfied, grant permits; if the conditions are not met, the reason for not granting the license shall be notified.

Form of submission

Applications shall be sent in the following forms: Directly or by post or through the network environment.

Composition, number of set of application

- Profile composition includes:

(1) An application form for a license, made according to Form No. 01 (Specified in Appendix III issued together with Decree 67/2018/ND-CP dated May 14, 2018);

(2) Outline the location of the area where the activity for which the license is requested;

(3) Report assessing the impact of the operation on the management, exploitation, and safety of irrigation works;

(4) Written opinions of organizations and individuals exploiting irrigation works on the impacts of their activities on the management, exploitation, and safety of irrigation works;

(5) For investment projects within the protected area of an irrigation work, the application file for a permit must be supplemented with:

+ A copy of the establishment decision or a copy of the enterprise registration certificate;

+ A copy of the decision approving the planning, investment policy, and investment project;

+ A copy of the environmental impact assessment report or the environmental protection plan approved by a competent authority in accordance with the law on environmental protection;

+ A copy of notice of basic design appraisal and design drawings of the project;

+ Approved technical construction design drawings.

- Number of documents: 01 set.

Time limit for settlement: Time limit for licensing: 25 working days from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers as prescribed.

Subjects implementing administrative procedures:

- Organization;

- Individual.

Agency handling administrative procedures: Department of Irrigation - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Results of implementing administrative procedures: License for activities within the scope of protection of irrigation works.

More details regarding: Licensing for activities within the scope of the protection of irrigation works: Construction of new works; Establishing wharves and yards for gathering raw materials, fuel, supplies, and vehicles; Drilling, digging for geological surveys, exploration, mining of minerals, construction materials, and underground water exploitation; Construction of underground works falls under the licensing authority of the Provincial People's Committee in Decision 3216/QD-BNN-TL in 2023.

Duong Chau Thanh


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