Requirements for joint training in undergraduate education in Vietnam

What are the requirements for joint training in undergraduate education in Vietnam? - Quoc Anh (Gia Lai)

Requirements for joint training in undergraduate education in Vietnam

Requirements for joint training in undergraduate education in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet responded as follows:

1. What are the cases where higher education institutions are allowed to cooperate in offering in-serving courses other institutions in Vietnam?

According to Article 37 of the Law on Higher Education 2012 (amended 2018), a higher education institution may only cooperate in offering in-serving courses with:

- Other higher education institutions, colleges, associate colleges, provincial continuing education centers;

- Training institutions of state agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations and the people’s armed forces,

Provided the cooperating institutions satisfy requirements of the course in terms of teaching environment, facilities and equipment, library and managers.

* Note: Such cooperation is not permitted in health-related disciplines in which graduates are granted practising certificates.

2. Requirements for joint training in undergraduate education in Vietnam

Requirements for joint training at university are specified as follows:

(1) Minimum requirements for institutions in charge of joint training:

(i) The institution has been accredited by a licensed educational accreditation organization and the accreditation is unexpired according to regulations;

(ii) The training program of the joint training has been offered for at least 03 consecutive cohorts in full-time mode of study; from the 2024 cohort onwards, the training program must be accredited as per applicable regulations;

(iii) Full-time lecturers shall teach at least 70% of the content and academic load of the training program;

(iv) Regulations on joint training have been promulgated and quality assurance conditions of the institution cooperating in the joint training have been appraised;

(v) Training institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Defense or Ministry of Public Security are exempt from Points a and b of this Clause but may cooperate in training only with educational institutions affiliated to the same supervisory ministry and be assigned the joint training by the supervisory ministry in writing.

(2) Minimum requirements for institutions participating in joint training:

- The institution meets conditions for pedagogical environment, facilities, equipment, libraries and management officials according to requirements of the training program;

- The institution has sent a report on self-assessment of educational institution quality to the competent authority according to regulations; from the 2024 cohort onwards, the institution must be accredited as per applicable regulations, unless it is affiliated to the Ministry of National Defense or Ministry of Public Security.

(Clause 2 and 3, Article 5 of Regulation on undergraduate education promulgated together with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT)

3. Responsibilities of joint training parties in Vietnam

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 5 of Regulation on undergraduate education promulgated together with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT, the responsibilities of joint training parties:

- The institution in charge of joint training and the institution participating in joint training shall sign a joint training agreement, negotiate the rights and responsibilities of both parties for the joint training in detail, manage teaching activities to ensure training quality and execute the agreement in compliance with regulations of this Regulation and other relevant law provisions;

- The institution in charge of joint training shall manage training quality; and report on joint training activities to the People’s Committee of the province where the joint training takes place before admission;

If the institution participating in joint training fails to meet quality assurance conditions according to regulations of a unit of study or the training program, transfer students to the institution in charge of joint training to continue providing training for them and ensure their rights;

- The institution participating in joint training shall cooperate with the institution in charge of joint training in ensuring facilities for training; and partake in management and teaching under the agreement between the two parties;

- The institution in charge of joint training and the institution participating in joint training shall take responsibility before the law for execution of the joint training agreement; compliance with admission and training regulations; and assurance of legitimate rights of lecturers and students throughout the training process.

Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong


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