Instructions for filling out the declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam

Instructions for filling out the declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the instructions for filling out the declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam? – Diem Quynh (Phu Yen)

Instructions for filling out the declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam

Instructions for filling out the declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Instructions for filling out the declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam

Section I: Applicable to participants who look up and do not see the mandatory social insurance code declared from criteria [1] to indicator [11] (except indicator [8] to participate in social insurance and health insurance as follows:

[01]. Full name: Write the participant's full name, middle name, and first name in capital letters with the participant's accent.

[02]. Gender: Record the participant's gender (if male, write the word "male" or if female, write the word "female").

[03]. Date, month, and year of birth: Write the full date, month, and year of birth as shown in the birth certificate or identity card/citizen identification card/passport.

[04]. Nationality: Record the participant's nationality as shown on the birth certificate or identity card/citizen identification card/passport.

[05]. Ethnicity: Record the participant's ethnicity as shown on the birth certificate or identity card/citizen identification card/passport.

[06]. ID card/CCCD/Passport number: Record the participant's ID card/citizen ID/passport number issued by a competent authority (including children under 6 years old who are issued personal identification numbers) .

[07]. Phone: Enter the participant's phone number or the phone number to contact the participant.

[08]. Email: Enter the participant's email address or the email address to contact the participant (if any).

[09]. Place of birth registration: Clearly state the name of the commune (ward/town); district (district/town/city in the province); province (centrally-run city) that registered the participant's birth. In case the place of birth registration is unknown, write the place of origin or the permanent/temporary residence address (according to 3 levels similar to the place of birth registration);

[10]. Full name of parent/guardian (for children under 6 years old): Enter the full name of the parent or guardian for participants who are children under 6 years old.

[11]. Address to receive results: Write down the specific and complete address of where you live (house number, street/street, village/hamlet; commune/ward/town; district/district/town/provincial city; province/centrally-run city)
for the social insurance agency to return documents, social insurance books, health insurance cards, or results of other administrative procedures.

[12]. Declare the Household Member Appendix (attached appendix) for participants who cannot find their social insurance codes and health insurance participants according to their households to reduce the payment according to instructions.

Section II: Applicable to participants who already have a social insurance code and request to register and adjust information recorded on the social insurance book and health insurance card as follows:

[13]. Social insurance code: Enter the social insurance code issued to the participant by the social insurance agency.

[14]. Adjust personal information: Only declare one of the personal information requested to be adjusted, specifically:

[14.1]. Full name: Write the participant's full name, middle name, and first name in capital letters with the participant's accent.

[14.2]. Gender: Record the participant's gender (if male, write the word "male" or if female, write the word "female").

[14.3]. Date, month, year of birth: Write the full date, month, and year of birth as shown in the birth certificate, identity card/citizen identification card/passport.

[14.4]. Place of birth registration: Clearly state the name of the commune (ward/town); district (district/town/city in the province); province (centrally-run city) that registered the participant's birth. In case the place of birth registration is unknown, write the place of origin or the permanent/temporary residence address (according to 3 levels similar to the place of birth registration);

[14.5]. ID card/CCCD/Passport number: Record the participant's ID card/citizen ID/passport number issued by a competent authority (including children under 6 years old who are issued personal identification numbers).

[15]. Premium level (applicable to participants registering/adjusting voluntary social insurance premium): Record the monthly income level chosen by the voluntary social insurance participant.

[16]. Payment method (applicable to participants registering/adjusting the voluntary social insurance payment method): Specify the participant's payment method according to regulations (for example: 03 months or 06 months, etc.).

[17]. Place of registration for initial medical examination and treatment (applicable to health insurance participants who register/change place of initial medical examination and treatment): Record the place of the initial health insurance medical examination and treatment registration chosen by the participant according to the instructions of the social insurance agency.

[18]. Content of changes and other requests: Record the content of the request for change or adjustment, such as: re-issue of social insurance book, health insurance card, job title, address to receive results, phone, email,...

[19]. Attached documents:

- For people adjusting information, write down supporting documents.

- For participants who enjoy higher health insurance benefits, write down supporting documents.

After completing the declaration:

+ The participant records the content: looked up and did not find the social insurance code, voluntarily declares, provides relevant documents to ensure information accuracy, and is responsible before the law for the declared content; Sign and write the full name.

+ The employer (employees who are reserving their time to pay social insurance do not have to confirm) records the following content: confirm that the participant's adjusted information is correct with the management records and take responsibility before the law for the confirmation content; Sign, stamp, and clearly state your full name.

Legal basis: Decision 595/QD-BHXH in 2017.

2. Responsibility for preparing a declaration to participate in social insurance and health insurance (Form TK1-TS) in Vietnam

- Responsibility for preparation: participant or Parent/guardian (for children under 6 years old).

- Establishment time: When the participant registers to participate and cannot find the social insurance code or requests to adjust social insurance and health insurance information.


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