Documentation for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam

Documentation for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the documentation and procedures for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam? – Mai Khanh (Hanoi)

Documentation for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam

Documentation for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

The documentation and procedures for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam are regulated in Decision 1283/QD-BNN-TS in 2024 as follows:

1. Documentation for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam

- The dossier for newly built vessels includes:

+ Application form for registering fishing vessels according to Form 02.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original certificate of shipbuilding issued by the shipyard owner according to Form 03.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original approval document for new construction of fishing vessels;

+ Original receipt of registration tax for the vessel or original declaration of registration tax for the vessel with confirmation from the tax authority;

+ Color photo (9 x 12 cm, capturing the entire vessel from both sides of the vessel);

+ Copy of the technical safety certificate of the fishing vessel with a length of 12 meters or more.

- The dossier for refurbished vessels includes:

+ Application form for registering fishing vessels according to Form 02.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original receipt of registration tax for the vessel or original declaration of registration tax for the vessel with confirmation from the tax authority;

+ Color photo (9 x 12 cm, capturing the entire vessel from both sides of the vessel);

+ Copy of the authenticated technical safety certificate of the vessel (for vessels with a length of 12 meters or more).

+ Original certificate of refurbishment or repair of the vessel according to Form 04.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original certificate of previous registration;

+ Approval document for refurbishment by the provincial People's Committee.

- The dossier for vessels bought, gifted includes:

+ Application for registering fishing vessels according to Form 02.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original receipt of registration tax for the vessel or original declaration of registration tax for the vessel with confirmation from the tax authority;

+ Color photo (9 x 12 cm, capturing the entire vessel from both sides of the vessel);

+ Copy of the authenticated technical safety certificate of the vessel (for vessels with a length of 12 meters or more).

+ Original transfer of ownership document for the vessel as regulated;

+ Approval document for buying or selling fishing vessels by the provincial People's Committee, except for cases of buying or selling fishing vessels within the provinces, centrally-run cities;

+ Original certificate of previous registration of the fishing vessel accompanied by the original registration dossier of the vessel;

+ Original certificate of cancellation of registration.

- The dossier for imported vessels includes:

+ Application form for registering fishing vessels according to Form 02.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original receipt of registration tax for the vessel or original declaration of registration tax for the vessel with confirmation from the tax authority;

+ Color photo (9 x 12 cm, capturing the entire vessel from both sides of the vessel);

+ Copy of the authenticated technical safety certificate of the vessel (for vessels with a length of 12 meters or more).

+ Copy of the authenticated document allowing the import of the fishing vessel by the authorized agency;

+ Original certificate of cancellation of registration accompanied by the authenticated copy of Vietnamese translation for the used fishing vessel;

+ Copy of the authenticated Customs declaration with confirmation of completion of customs procedures;

+ Copy of the authenticated receipt of taxes according to the regulations of Vietnamese law.

- The dossier for vessels under lease includes:

+ Application form for registering fishing vessels according to Form 02.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Original receipt of registration tax for the vessel or original declaration of registration tax for the vessel with confirmation from the tax authority;

+ Color photo (9 x 12 cm, capturing the entire vessel from both sides of the vessel);

+ Copy of the authenticated technical safety certificate of the vessel (for vessels with a length of 12 meters or more).

+ Original certificate of cancellation of registration accompanied by  authenticated copy of the Vietnamese translation for the used fishing vessel;

+ Authenticated copy of the Customs declaration with confirmation of completion of customs procedures;

+ Copy of the authenticated receipt of taxes according to the regulations of Vietnamese law.

+ Original approval document for vessel lease issued by the authorized Vietnamese state agency;

+ Original lease contract for the vessel.

- The dossier for fishing vessels that have been newly built, refurbished, bought, or donated but lack sufficient documents according to the provisions in Clause 2, Clause 3, Clause 4, and Clause 6 of Article 21 of Circular 23/2018/TT-BNNPTNT (amended by Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT) includes:

+ Application form for registering fishing vessels with confirmation from the commune-level People's Committee where the owner of the vessel registered their permanent residence according to the Appendix issued together with Circular 06/2024/TT-BNNPTNT;

+ Copy of the technical safety certificate of the fishing vessel with a length of 12 meters or more;

+ Original receipt of registration tax for the vessel;

+ Color photo (9 x 12 cm, capturing the entire vessel from both sides of the vessel).

+ Documents of purchase and sale as regulated (if any);

+ Original certificate of previous registration of the fishing vessel (for cases of refurbishment, buying, or donating) (if any);

+ Original certificate of cancellation of registration for cases of buying, donating, or transferring to another province, centrally-run city (if any);

+ Other legislative documents (if any).

(The deadline for receiving dossiers for fishing vessels in the above case is until December 31, 2024).

2. Procedures for granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels in Vietnam

- Organizations and individuals submit 01 set of documents to the provincial aquaculture authorities;

- In the case of direct submission: the provincial aquaculture authorities shall check the components of the dossier and provide an immediate response when the organization or individual comes to submit the dossier;

- In the case of submission through postal services or online platforms: within a maximum of 02 working days, the provincial aquaculture authorities review the completeness of the dossier. If the file is incomplete according to the regulations, the provincial aquaculture authorities shall send a written notification to the organization or individual to supplement the dossier;

- Within a period of 03 working days from the date of receiving a complete dossier according to the regulations, the provincial aquaculture authorities are responsible for the registration procedures, entering the Register of fishing vessels, and granting the certificate of registration of fishing vessels according to Form 05.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT, and issuing the seaman's discharge book of the fishing vessel according to Form 06.DKT Appendix XVI issued together with Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT. In the event that the certificate of registration for fishing vessels is not granted, the provincial aquaculture authorities must respond in writing and state the reason;

- The provincial provincial aquaculture authorities shall deliver the results directly at the place of receiving the dossier or send them through postal services or online platforms (if any).


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