Healthcare Regime for Patients Who Are Victims of Domestic Violence in Vietnam

Circular 24/2017/TT-BYT stipulates the process for receiving, providing medical care, and recording and reporting for patients who are victims of domestic violence at medical examination and treatment facilities in Vietnam. This Circular takes effect from July 07, 2017, replacing Circular 16/2009/TT-BYT.

Regulations on health policies from the reception, screening, and detection stages to the examination, treatment, and care stages in Vietnam are as follows:

No. Procedure Content
1 Reception - Patients who are victims of domestic violence are received for emergency care, examination, and treatment at medical facilities;

- When receiving patients for examination and treatment at medical facilities, if during the process of examination and medical history investigation there is suspicion of the patient being a victim of domestic violence, doctors and medical staff (collectively referred to as practitioners) should screen to detect domestic violence victims.
2 Screening and Detection - Patients are screened and interviewed in private, quiet places, separate from family members to ensure objectivity and safety when providing information.

- In case of emergency where the patient is unable to answer interview questions, the interview will be conducted after the patient has stabilized;

- Practitioners should pay attention to detecting signs and symptoms of physical, mental, and sexual abuse of the patient; consider the correlation between the condition and the patient's disclosure of the cause of the injury. If the patient wants to hide the fact of being abused, practitioners and medical staff should encourage the patient to disclose.

- Information disclosed by the patient during screening, examination, and treatment must be kept confidential.
3 Information Recording - In cases where the patient discloses or confirms being a victim of domestic violence upon arrival at the medical facility or after screening, practitioners and medical staff must record relevant information in the Domestic Violence Victim Information Sheet.

The Domestic Violence Victim Information Sheet serves as a basis for monitoring the patient and for statistical and reporting purposes regarding domestic violence.
4 Medical Care and Support - Patients who are victims of domestic violence receive medical examination and treatment under general regulations applicable to all patients:
+ They are asked about their history of domestic violence;
+ They undergo a comprehensive examination to avoid missing physical, mental, and sexual injuries related to domestic violence;
+ Examination results must be fully recorded;
+ They are referred to other medical facilities if their injuries exceed the expertise of the initial medical facility.

- Patients who are victims of domestic violence are advised about services to protect their legal rights and interests;

- They receive exemptions or reductions in examination and treatment costs;

- They are provided with temporary shelter upon request.

More details can be found in Circular 24/2017/TT-BYT.


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