Hanoi: Procedures for admission into the Communist Party of Vietnam

According to the content of Guideline 09-HD/BTCTW dated June 05, 2017, regarding the professional operations of communist party members, the procedures for admission of communist party members at the provincial, district, grassroots-level CPV committees, and CPV cells in Vietnam are carried out as follows:

Provincial-level CPV committee and Equivalent

  • Prepare a suitable membership admission plan based on the guidelines, directions, standards, and conditions for admitting individuals into the Communist Party of Vietnam by the CPV Central Committee for the CPV committee and give measures for implementation.
  • Direct the organization committee together with advisory bodies of the CPV committee to develop and guide the implementation of the communist party membership admission plan.
  • Regularly inspect lower-level CPV committees' implementation of the membership admission plan; annually review and report to the Secretariat.

District-level CPV committee and Equivalent

  • Specifically adapt the communist party membership admission plan of higher-level CPV committees to match the characteristics of the CPV committee; direct, guide lower-level CPV committees to develop and implement the membership admission plan.
  • Periodically review monthly recommendations from grassroots CPV committees to update and adjust the list of Party sympathizers; direct political training centers to organize Party awareness training classes for Party sympathizers; where there is no political training center, the Party standing committee assigns the organization committee of the CPV committee to cooperate with other advisory bodies to organize such training.

Grassroots-level CPV committee

  • Specifically adapt the communist party membership admission plan of higher-level CPV committees to match the characteristics of the CPV committee; direct, guide, and inspect CPV cells to develop and implement the membership admission plan.
  • Periodically review monthly recommendations from CPV cells to update and adjust the list of Party sympathizers; review and recommend Party sympathizers to attend Party awareness training classes; review recommendations from CPV cells and decide on allowing Party sympathizers to complete procedures for admission into the Communist Party of Vietnam.

CPV cell

  • Evaluate and analyze the quality of the masses to develop plans for sourcing communist party membership candidates; organize propaganda and education activities; direct political-social organizations, notably the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, to educate and select outstanding members and introduce them to the CPV cell.
  • The CPV cell assigns tasks to Party sympathizers for evaluation and has resolutions to assign official communist party members to assist Party sympathizers in striving for communist party membership.
  • Periodically review monthly, pass resolutions to select outstanding masses into the list of Party sympathizers, remove unqualified individuals from the list; review and recommend Party sympathizers to attend Party awareness training classes; review and recommend the grassroots CPV committee to allow Party sympathizers to complete procedures for admission into the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Localities without official communist party members or CPV cells

In villages, hamlets, communes...

  • The commune-level CPV committee assigns the most favorable CPV cell to delegate official communist party members to propagate and assist individuals in joining the Communist Party of Vietnam. When individuals meet the conditions and standards for communist party membership, the CPV cell assists the individuals in completing procedures for admission into the Communist Party of Vietnam as per regulations. This task continues until the village, hamlet, commune... has sufficient official communist party members to establish a CPV cell.
  • In communes where no grassroots CPV committee has been established, the commune-level CPV cell assigns communist party members to propagate, educate, and assist individuals in joining the Communist Party of Vietnam. When individuals meet the conditions and standards for communist party membership, the CPV cell assists them in completing admission procedures as per regulations.

Public and Non-public service Providers

  • Public and non-public service providers in commune-level areas such as primary schools, lower secondary schools, kindergartens, and health stations follow the same procedures for communist party membership admission as in villages, hamlets, and communes mentioned above.
  • For public and non-public service providers managed by the District People's Committee (such as continuing education centers, private schools, hospitals...), the district-level CPV committee directs the CPV committees and organizations in direct management agencies to admit communist party members.
  • For public and non-public service providers managed by the province or city, the provincial or city CPV committee directs the CPV committees and organizations in direct management agencies to admit communist party members.


  • Follow similar procedures as public and non-public service providers.
  • If managed by the district, the responsibility is assigned to the CPV committees in the specialized management agencies or the commune-level CPV committees where the enterprise has a stable, long-term headquarters; if managed by the province, the responsibility is assigned to the CPV committees in the direct management agencies; if managed by the ministries and central authorities, the CPV committees in the ministries and central authorities direct the most favorable CPV cell to admit communist party members.

Refer to detailed instructions: Declaring and certifying the resume of the applicant for admission into the Communist Party of Vietnam (Form 2-KND), membership dossier (Form 2-HSDV), and supplementary documents for the membership dossier (Form 3-HSDV) at Guideline 09-HD/BTCTW.

Membership dossier includes:

When considering admission into the Communist Party of Vietnam

  1. Certificate of completion of the Party awareness training class;
  2. Application form for Communist Party of Vietnam membership;
  3. Resume of the applicant for Communist Party of Vietnam membership and accompanying verification documents;
  4. Introduction letter from the official communist party member assigned to assist;
  5. Resolution recommending outstanding members for Communist Party of Vietnam membership from the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union or the internal trade union (if any);
  6. Summary of opinions and evaluations from political-social organizations where the applicant for Communist Party of Vietnam membership is active and from the neighborhood Party cell (or CPV cell) where the applicant resides.

After the CPV cell reviews and agrees to be admitted into the Communist Party of Vietnam

  1. Resolution of the CPV cell recommending admission of new communist party members;
  2. Verification report from the sub-CPV committee (if any);
  3. Resolution from the grassroots CPV committee recommending admission of a new communist party member;
  4. Decision of admission of a new communist party member by the competent CPV committee;
  5. Communist party membership resume;
  6. Communist party member card.

When a communist party member has been officially recognized, the following additional documents are required:

  1. Certificate of completion of the new communist party member training class;
  2. Self-evaluation report from the probationary communist party member;
  3. Evaluation report from the official communist party member assigned to assist the probationary communist party member;
  4. Summary of opinions and evaluations from political-social organizations where the probationary communist party member is active and from the neighborhood Party cell (or CPV cell) where the probationary communist party member resides;
  5. Resolution from the CPV cell recommending the official recognition of a communist party member;
  6. Verification report from the sub-CPV committee (if any);
  7. Resolution from the grassroots CPV committee recommending the official recognition of a communist party member;
  8. Decision of official recognition and issuance of the communist party membership card, decision to award the Communist Party of Vietnam badge by the competent CPV committee;
  9. Annual supplementary documents for the communist party member’s profile;
  10. Verification and conclusion documents regarding the communist party membership resume (if any);
  11. Decisions of the competent authority regarding transfers, appointments, retirement, disability retirement, sector transfer, demobilization, discharge, discipline, or rewards; copies of diplomas, certificates in professional, political theory, foreign languages, computer skills, etc.;
  12. System of transfer letters of Party activities since joining the Communist Party of Vietnam;
  13. Annual self-evaluation reports (for the most recent 5 years) and when transferring Party activities.

In addition to the above documents, other accompanying documents in the communist party member’s dossier are considered references.


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