Decision 66-QD/TW on the format of documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam

On February 06, 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party issued Decision 66-QD/TW stipulating the categories, authority for issuance, and form of documents of the Communist Party, replacing the Regulations on the categories, authority for issuance, and form of documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam issued pursuant to Decision 31-QD/TW, dated October 01, 1997 by the Politburo of the 8th term, and Decision 91-QD/TW, dated February 16, 2004 by the Secretariat of the 9th term.

Documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam are a type of material written in Vietnamese to record the activities of party organizations, issued (or jointly issued) by competent party committees, organizations, and agencies per the Communist Party of Vietnam Charter and the Central Committee. The system of documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam includes all types of Documents of Communist Party of Vietnam used in the activities of the party organization system from the Central to the grassroots level.

Specific Regulations on Amendments, Supplements, and Repeal of Documents

- Documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam may only be amended, supplemented, replaced, or repealed by the issuing agency or a higher-level party agency with authority. When issuing a new document, it must clearly state the amendments, supplements, replacements, or repeals of the document, as well as the contents of previously issued documents that are contrary or no longer appropriate.- A single document of the Communist Party of Vietnam can be issued to simultaneously amend, supplement, replace, or repeal contents in several other documents issued by the same party agency.

Adding Schemes; Projects to the Categories of Documents of Communist Party of Vietnam

The categories of Documents of Communist Party of Vietnam include:

- Political platform;- Communist Party of Vietnam Charter;

- Strategy;

- Resolution;

- Decision;

- Directive;

- Conclusion;

- Regulation;

- Rule;

- Circular;

- Guidance;

- Announcement;

- Communique;

- Declaration;

- Call;

- Report;

- Plan;

- Planning;

- Program;

- Scheme;

- Project;

- Submission;

- Official Dispatch;

- Minutes.

Thus, compared to the previous regulations, Schemes and Projects have been added to the categories of Documents of Communist Party of Vietnam.

Addition of 03 Types of Administrative Documents in Vietnam

Besides the common administrative documents used by party committees, organizations, and agencies such as Introduction Letter; Certificate; Travel Authorization; Leave Approval; Dispatch Slip, 03 more types of administrative documents have been added:

- Invitation is a document used by agencies or organizations to invite groups or individuals to participate in upcoming events (meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.).

- Referral Slip is a document used by agencies or organizations to send an attached document received to the agency, organization, or individual with the authority to address it.

- Official Letter is an informal document from the head of an agency or organization to exchange official matters with the head of another agency or organization or to express greetings, congratulations, thanks, condolences, etc., to individuals, agencies, or organizations.

Format of Documents of Communist Party of Vietnam

Each official document of the Communist Party of Vietnam must contain the following format components:

- Title “ĐẢNG CỘNG SẢN VIỆT NAM” (Communist Party of Vietnam).

- Name of the issuing agency

- Number and symbol of the document.

- Place and date of issuance of the document.

- Type of document and summary of the content.

- Document content.

- Authority, position, full name, and signature of the authorized person.

- Seal of the issuing agency or organization.- Recipients.

Compared to the previous regulations, there are specific provisions concerning authority, position, full name, and signature of the authorized person.

Introducing the Concept of the Original Document of the Communist Party of Vietnam

Original Document: This is a complete document in terms of content and format, issued by the agency or organization and bearing the direct signature of the authorized person.

In addition to the above contents, the authority to issue documents of the Communist Party of Vietnam has also undergone significant changes. More details can be found in Decision 66-QD/TW, effective from February 06, 2017.


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