What is the share of added value of the digital economy in GDP in 2023 in Vietnam?

What is the share of added value of the digital economy in GDP in 2023 in Vietnam?
Dương Châu Thanh

According to the Action Plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in 2023, what is the share of added value of the digital economy in GDP in Vietnam?

What is the share of added value of the digital economy in GDP in 2023 in Vietnam?

What is the share of added value of the digital economy in GDP in 2023 in Vietnam? (Internet image)

Content mentioned in Decision 17/QD-UBQGCDS on the Action Plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in 2023.

Some digital economy objectives are set as follows:

- The share of added value of the digital economy in GDP is over 16%.

- The share of e-commerce in total retail sales is over 8.5%.

- 100% of ministries, branches, and localities issue and organize the implementation of digital economic and digital society development plans under their management.

- 100% of ministries, branches, and localities implement activities to promote digital transformation and non-cash payments in educational and medical facilities under their management.

- Over 90% of small and medium-sized enterprises have access to trial digital transformation platforms, and over 30% of small and medium-sized enterprises regularly use digital transformation platforms.

Thus, according to the National Committee's Action Plan on Digital Transformation in 2023, the share of added value of the digital economy in GDP is over 16%.

Some objectives for Digital Government according to the Action Plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation 2023 in Vietnam

According to the Action Plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in 2023, some goals for Digital Government in 2023 are as follows:

- 100% of ministries, branches, and localities implement activities to improve the quality and efficiency of providing online public services.

- 100% of ministries, branches, and localities have completed the implementation of the information system for handling administrative procedures at the ministerial and provincial levels on the basis of consolidating the public service portal and the electronic one-stop system.

- 100% of administrative procedures that meet the conditions prescribed by law are provided in the form of full-process online public services; 40% of all online public services are integrated and provided on the National Public Service portal.

- 30% of online payments on the National Public Service Portal account for the total number of public service payment transactions; 60% of administrative procedures requiring financial obligations are paid online on the National Public Service Portal.

- 100% of people and businesses using online services are identified, authenticated seamlessly, and unified across all systems of government, from central to local.

- 100% of results of administrative procedures are digitized; 50% of administrative procedures are done remotely online by people and businesses.

- Over 30% of ministries, branches, and localities deploy virtual assistants to serve the activities of officials, civil servants, public employees, and the people.

- Over 30% of ministries, branches, and localities have deployed connections to the information systems of managed subjects to collect online data to serve state management according to the provisions of the law.

- Over 10% of the periodic administrative inspection activities of state management agencies for managed objects are carried out through the digital environment and information system of the management agency.

- Over 50% of officials, civil servants, and public employees are trained, fostered and popularized in basic digital skills.

More details can be found in Decision 17/QD-UBQGCDS 2023.


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