The National Assembly of Vietnam officially passed the Law on Cybersecurity 2018

The National Assembly of Vietnam officially passed the Law on Cybersecurity 2018
Hà Linh

This morning, June 12, 2018, the 2018 Cybersecurity Law was officially passed by the National Assembly of Vietnam with an approval rate of 86.86%.

Cybersecurity Law was passed by the National Assembly of Vietnam on the morning of June 12, with 423 out of 466 deputies present voting in favor (a rate of 86.86%); 15 deputies did not agree; 28 deputies did not vote.

This law comprises 07 chapters and 43 articles, stipulating activities for the protection of national security and ensuring order and social safety in cyberspace; the responsibilities of relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals.

The provisions that many people are concerned about and have caused much controversy regarding the confidentiality of user information specified in Article 26 of the Cybersecurity Law are finalized as follows:

Article 26. Ensuring information security in cyberspace

1. Information websites, portals, or specialized pages on social networks of agencies, organizations, or individuals must not provide, post, or transmit information containing the content stipulated in Clause 1, Article 8 of this Law and other information that infringes upon national sovereignty and security.

2. Domestic and foreign agencies and organizations that provide services in cyberspace or own information systems in Vietnam must:

a) Establish an information verification mechanism when users register for digital accounts; secure user information and accounts; provide user information to the specialized cybersecurity protection force of the Ministry of Public Security upon written request;

b) Delete information, prevent the sharing of information containing the content stipulated in Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4, Article 15 of this Law on the service or information system directly managed by the agency or organization no later than 24 hours from the time of the request by the specialized cybersecurity protection force of the Ministry of Public Security or the agency authorized by the Ministry of Information and Communications; maintain relevant logs to provide to the specialized cybersecurity protection force;

c) Not provide or cease providing telecommunication and internet services and other value-added services to organizations or individuals posting information containing the content stipulated in Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4, Article 15 of this Law when requested by the specialized cybersecurity protection force of the Ministry of Public Security or the agency authorized by the Ministry of Information and Communications;

d) Store in Vietnam the personal information of users of services in Vietnam and other important data related to national security; establish headquarters or representative offices in Comply with requests from competent authorities in investigating and handling violations of cybersecurity laws.

3. The Government of Vietnam shall specify the types of information required to be stored in Vietnam and the agencies and organizations providing services in cyberspace required to establish headquarters or representative offices in Vietnam as mentioned in point d, Clause 2 of this Article.

Thus, based on the above provisions, social networks like Facebook and YouTube will be required to place servers and store the data of users of services in Vietnam and other important data related to national security in Vietnam.


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