Full Text of the Cybersecurity Law 2018 in Vietnam

This morning on June 12, 2018, the National Assembly of Vietnam officially passed the Law on Cybersecurity with an approval rate of 86.86%. The Law officially takes effect from January 1, 2019.

Full text of the 2018 Cybersecurity Law submitted for approval by the National Assembly of Vietnam

The 2018 Cybersecurity Law submitted for approval by the National Assembly of Vietnam includes 07 chapters and 43 articles (4 articles have been reduced compared to the previous Draft). Article 8 stipulates the prohibited acts in cyberspace, including:

Article 8. Prohibited acts

1. Using cyberspace to perform the following acts:

a) Acts specified in Clause 1, Article 18 of this Law;

b) Organizing, operating, colluding, inciting, bribing, deceiving, enticing, training, or coaching individuals against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

c) Distorting history, denying revolutionary achievements, destroying the great unity of the nation, insulting religion, gender discrimination, racial discrimination;

d) Disseminating false information causing confusion among the people, damaging socio-economic activities, causing difficulties for state agencies or public service officers, infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of other organizations or Engaging in prostitution, social evils, human trafficking; posting obscene, depraved, criminal information; undermining national traditions and customs, social ethics, or public health;

e) Inciting, enticing, or provoking others to commit crimes.

2. Conducting cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, cyber crimes; causing incidents, attacking, infiltrating, seizing control, falsifying, disrupting, paralyzing, or destroying critical information systems for national security.

3. Producing, putting into use tools, means, software, or engaging in acts that obstruct, disrupt the operation of computer networks, telecommunications networks; spreading harmful software affecting the operation of computer networks, telecommunications networks, electronic means; illegally infiltrating into the computer networks, telecommunications networks, or electronic means of others.

4. Opposing or obstructing the activities of cybersecurity protection forces; illegally attacking, disabling, rendering ineffective cyber defense measures.

5. Taking advantage of or abusing cybersecurity protection activities to infringe upon sovereignty, national interests, security, public order, safety, lawful rights, and interests of organizations or individuals, or for profiteering.

6. Other acts violating the provisions of this Law.


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