Orientation of scientific and technology tasks of the State Bank of Vietnam

Orientation of scientific and technology tasks of the State Bank of Vietnam
Trọng Tín

Scientific and technological tasks of the banking sector in Vietnam are conducted based on the guidelines stipulated in Circular 45/2024/TT-NHNN.

Orientation  of  Scientific  Research  and  Technology  Tasks  in  the  Banking  Sector

Orientation of scientific and technology tasks in the banking sector in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Orientation of scientific and technology tasks of the State Bank of Vietnam

On August 30, 2024, the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam issued Circular 45/2024/TT-NHNN regulating the management and organization of scientific research and technology tasks of the State Bank of Vietnam.

The Banking Strategy Institute advises on the construction of the Orientation of scientific and technology tasks of the banking sector, which is submitted to the Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam for approval before March 31 annually.

According to Article 9 of Circular 45/2024/TT-NHNN, the Orientation of scientific and technology tasks of the banking sector is built based on one or several of the following grounds:

- Requirements of the leadership of the Communist Party, the State, and the leadership of the State Bank of Vietnam;

- Strategies, plans, development projects of the State Bank of Vietnam, and strategies, planning, and development plans in the fields managed by the State Bank of Vietnam;

- Scientific and technological development strategies and orientation, goals, and tasks of science and technology over 5-year or 10-year periods of the State Bank of Vietnam;

- Scientific and technological activity plans of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Bank of Vietnam.

The Orientation of scientific and technology tasks is widely and publicly announced on the Bank's Science and Technology Portal and notified to proposing organizations and individuals, except for scientific and technological tasks with contents related to state secrets.

Conditions for Participation in Selection or Direct Assignment of Ministerial-level Scientific Research and Technology Tasks in the Banking Sector

Article 15 of Circular 45/2024/TT-NHNN stipulates conditions for participating in the selection or direct assignment of ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks in the banking sector as follows:

(1) For Organizations

Organizations that have functions suitable to the expertise of the ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks ordered by the State Bank of Vietnam have the right to register for selection or be directly assigned to carry out the ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks of the State Bank of Vietnam, except in the following cases:

- At the time of submitting the dossier, they have not fully repaid the recovered funds according to the contract for previous scientific research and technology tasks (if any);

- They have committed violations leading to the suspension of the ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks within 3 years from the date of the decision of the competent authority to the date of dossier submission.

(2) For Individuals

Individuals registering as the lead for ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks must meet the following requirements:

- Have a university degree or higher;

- Have suitable expertise;

- Lead or actively participate in drafting the explanation of ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks;

- Have the ability to organize and ensure sufficient time to lead the research work of ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks;

- Do not fall into any of the following cases:

+ Individuals leading ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks that are evaluated as "unsatisfactory" within 3 years from the time the Evaluation Council's conclusion is made;

+ Those who have committed violations leading to suspension from performing ministerial-level scientific research and technology tasks within 3 years from the date of the suspension decision;

+ Those who are currently under criminal investigation or have been convicted without having the conviction expunged.


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