Free legal aid services for ethnic minority groups in Vietnam

Recently, the Government issued Decree 05/2011/ND-CP on ethnic minorities work, which stipulates that ethnic minority groups may receive free legal aid services in Vietnam.

Free legal aid services for ethnic minority groups in Vietnam
Free legal aid services for ethnic minority groups in Vietnam (Internet image)

Article 18 of Decree 05/2011/ND-CP stipulates the policy on law dissemination and education and legal aid in Vietnam as follows:

- Ethnic minority groups in areas with exceptional socio-economic difficulties may receive free legal aid services under law.

- Administrations at all levels shall elaborate and implement programs and schemes on law dissemination and education and legal aid suitable to each target group and ethnic minority area.

- To effectively use the mass media, to diversify forms of law dissemination and education suitable to the customs and habits of ethnic minority groups.

The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, detailing and guiding this Article.

In addition to the above policy, the State also strengthens the implementation of defense and security policy in ethnic minority areas as follows:

  • To build and consolidate defense and security in important, deep-lying, remote, border and island areas in association with socio­economic development, assuring political security and maintaining social order and safety in ethnic minority areas.
  • State agencies, ethnic minority groups in border and island areas shall, together with agencies, organizations, people's armed units and local administrations, protect the national borderline, maintain security and social order and safety and enhance friendship relations with people of neighboring countries in border and island areas under law.

More details can be found in Decree 05/2011/ND-CP, effective from March 4, 2011.

Thuy Tram


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