Depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets under the management of Hanoi City, Vietnam

Depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets under the management of Hanoi City, Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

Hanoi promulgates the list, depreciation period and rate of intangible fixed assets (excluding the brand of public service provider) under the management scope of Hanoi city, Vietnam.

Depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets under the management of Hanoi City, Vietnam

On August 15, 2024, the People's Committee of Hanoi City issued Decision 52/2024/QD-UBND regarding the List of Special Fixed Assets; the list, depreciation time, and Depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets under the management of Hanoi City, Vietnam.

This Decision issues the List of Special Fixed Assets; the list, depreciation time, and depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets (excluding the brand of public service providers) under the management of Hanoi City.

Other contents concerning the policies of managing and calculating depreciation of fixed assets not stipulated in this Decision will be implemented according to the provisions of Circular 23/2023/TT-BTC guiding the management policies, calculation of depreciation, and amortization of fixed assets at agencies, organizations, units and fixed assets assigned by the State to enterprises for management without accounting them into state capital at the enterprises.

Tỷ  lệ  hao  mòn  tài  sản  cố  định  vô  hình

Depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets in Vietnam (Image from the internet)

The list, depreciation time, and depreciation rates of intangible fixed assets are specified in Appendix No. 02 issued together with Decision 52/2024/QD-UBND. To be specific:

No Category Depreciation Time (years) Depreciation Rate (% per year)
1 2 3 4
Type 1 Author's Rights and Related Rights
1 Literary, artistic, and scientific works protected by author’s rights 25 4
2 Computer programs 5 20
3 Other author rights 25 4
Type 2 Industrial Property Rights
1 Invention and patent rights 25 4
2 Trademarks, trade names, geographical indications 25 4
3 Other industrial property rights 25 4
Type 3 Plant Variety Rights
1 Plant variety rights 25 4
Type 4 Application Software - Software Products
1 System Software Group    
1.1 Operating Systems: Server operating systems; Workstation/Desktop operating systems; Mobile device operating systems; Other digital device operating systems 5 20
1.2 Network Software: Network management software; Network connectivity software; Network application software; Security and protection software; Server software; Middleware; Other network software 5 20
1.3 Query and Database Management Software: Server database management software; 5 20
1.4 Embedded Software 5 20
1.5 Operating Environment Software 5 20
1.6 Other System Software 5 20
2 Application Software Group    
2.1 Content Authoring and Editing Software 5 20
2.2 Lookup, Search, and Dictionary Software 5 20
2.3 Multi-sector Application Software: Financial accounting software; Electronic portal software; Other multi-sector application software 5 20
2.4 Specialized Application Software    
  - Digital Government Software: Online public service software; One-stop software; Document management and work operation software; Digital Government reporting system software; Smart city management software; Other digital government software 5 20
  - Education and Training Software: Teaching software; Training management software; School management software; Teaching and learning resource-sharing software; Library software; Language software; Computer-based training software; Multimedia education software; Other education and training software 5 20
  - Healthcare Software: Software for disease prevention and health care; Software for medical examination and treatment; Healthcare management software; Artificial intelligence software in healthcare; Medical device connection and management software; Other healthcare software 5 20
  - Financial and Banking Management Software: Budget and accounting management software; Treasury/capital management software; Financial statistics management software; Tax management software; Insurance management software; Other financial and banking management software 5 20
  - Construction Software: Design support software; Planning management software; Construction execution management software; Other construction software 5 20
  - Transportation Software: Traffic monitoring management software; Traffic data collection software; Traffic signal control software; Other transportation software 5 20
  - Information and Communication Software: Email software; Video conferencing software; Network conferencing software; Messaging software; Other information and communication software 5 20
  - Agriculture Software: Land, crop, livestock, and aquaculture management software; Agricultural activity monitoring software; Other agriculture software 5 20
  - Other Industrial Production Software 5 20
  - Natural Resources and Environment Software 5 20
  - Tourism Software (Hotel and accommodation management software, etc.) 5 20
  - Other Specialized Software 5 20
2.5 Other Application Software 5 20
3 Tool Software Group    
3.1 Development Environment Software 5 20
3.2 Program Testing Software 5 20
3.3 Compiling Software 5 20
3.4 Configuration Management Software 5 20
3.5 Other Tool Software 5 20
4 Utility Software Group    
4.1 Administration and Remote Administration Software 5 20
4.2 Backup or Storage Software 5 20
4.3 Data Conversion Software 5 20
4.4 Data Compression Software 5 20
4.5 Content Management Software 5 20
4.6 Digital Data Recognition and Processing Software 5 20
4.7 Device Control Software 5 20
4.8 Digital Signature Software 5 20
4.9 Other Utility Software 5 20
5 Other Software 5 20

Note: The above-mentioned software application list - software products (Type 4) is based on Circular 20/2021/TT-BTTTT dated December 3, 2021, amending and supplementing Circular 09/2013/TT-BTTTT dated April 8, 2013, which promulgates the list of software and hardware, electronic products.


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