Enhancement of the management of local cultural activities in Vietnam

Enhancement of the management of local cultural activities in Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

The following article will provide detailed content on enhancement of the management of local cultural activities in Vietnam.

Enhancing  Cultural  Activities  Management  at  Local  Level

Enhancement of the management of local cultural activities in Vietnam (Image from the internet)

On August 30, 2024, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 3732/BVHTTDL-VHCS on the enhancement of the management of local cultural activities in Vietnam.

Enhancement of the management of local cultural activities in Vietnam

To continue effectively promoting local cultural activities, the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism respectfully requests the People's Committees of provinces and centrally affiliated city to proactively organize the implementation of several contents as follows:

(1) Regarding solutions to complete and effectively use the system of grassroots cultural and sports institutions:

- Complete the objectives of building grassroots cultural and sports institutions as stipulated in Decision 2164/QD-TTg dated November 11, 2013, by the Prime Minister approving the Master Plan for the Development of the System of Grassroots Cultural and Sports Institutions for the period 2013-2020, oriented to 2030.

- Issue mechanisms and policies regarding private investment to mobilize legal resources from organizations and individuals domestically and internationally to build and organize activities of the system of grassroots cultural and sports institutions, especially at the commune, village levels, entertainment areas, cultural-sports centers in industrial zones and export processing zones; specialized policies on activity norms, expenditure levels for cultural, artistic, and mobile propaganda activities under local jurisdiction as stipulated.

- Effectively use grassroots cultural and sports institutions, overcome the situation where local cultural and sports institutions, having received infrastructure investment, are either not being utilized for organizing activities or are not fully utilizing their operational potential for cultural and sports activities serving the people.

(2) Regarding the management and organization of festivals:

- Strengthen state management of festivals; require the festival organizing committee to strictly comply with legal regulations to organize orderly, safe, economical festivals, appropriate to a civilized lifestyle, national cultural traditions, and local fine customs and practices. Do not organize excessive festivals causing waste of time and money of the people, society, and the State.

- Enhance propaganda, raise awareness and responsibility of all levels, sectors, the people, and tourists in strictly complying with regulations on festival organization; do not burn votive papers causing waste and affecting the environment and fire prevention and fighting work.

- Direct the strengthening of inspection, monitoring before, during, and after festival organization; promptly prevent and strictly handle violations in festival activities, especially acts of exploiting relics, festivals, beliefs for profiteering, superstitious activities, and gambling.

(3) Management of karaoke and dance hall service businesses:

- Continue directing the effective implementation of regulations on karaoke and dance hall service businesses in Decree 54/2019-ND-CP and other related legal documents on security, order, fire prevention and fighting, and rescue.

- Direct relevant authorities to closely coordinate in controlling and assessing business conditions as stipulated by law before issuing Business Condition Certificates for karaoke and dance hall service businesses.

- Based on the actual local situation, issue Collaboration Regulations, consolidate the inter-sectoral inspection team, and promptly handle establishments violating regulations on fire prevention and fighting safety, security, order, and other legal provisions related to karaoke and dance hall service businesses.

(4) Effectively promoting the "All People Unite to Build Cultural Life" movement:

- Issue documents detailing standards and procedures for awarding the titles of "Cultural Family", "Cultural Village, Quarter", "Model Commune, Ward, Township" of the locality according to Decree 86/2023/ND-CP on standard frameworks and procedures for awarding the titles of "Cultural Family", "Cultural Village, Quarter", "Model Commune, Ward, Township".

- Guide the implementation of criteria, procedures for recognizing civilized urban standards according to Decision 04/2022/QD-TTg dated February 18, 2022, by the Prime Minister; organize evaluations and interim summaries to promptly collect difficulties and obstacles, thereby proposing solutions to effectively implement Decision 04/2022/QD-TTg by the Prime Minister.

- Continue to develop the sustainable, in-depth, quality, effective, and practical "All People Unite to Build Cultural Life" movement; strengthen coordination among members of the Steering Committee in implementing the movement.

(5) Regarding the use of the Communist Party flag, National flag, National emblem in propaganda for holidays and commemorations:

- Direct the use of the Communist Party flag according to Guide 105-HD/BTGTW dated May 29, 2023, by the Central Propaganda Department guiding the implementation of the Politburo's Regulation on the Communist Party flag of the Communist Party of Vietnam and its use.

- Guide the use of the National flag and National emblem according to Guide 3420/HD-BVHTTDL dated October 2, 2012, by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism on the use of the National flag, National emblem, National anthem, and portrait of President Ho Chi Minh.

- Propagate, mobilize, and guide; implement management measures for the use of images of the National flag and National emblem at localities to ensure solemnity, dignity, conformity with the law.

- Strengthen inspection on the use and display of images of the National flag and National emblem at localities. Require organizations and individuals to retrieve, replace worn-out or discolored Communist Party flags, National flags, and National emblems that are not conformable.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 3732/BVHTTDL-VHCS issued on August 30, 2024.


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