07 Cases in Which Employees in Vietnam Have the Right to Unilaterally Terminate Employment Contracts

07 Cases in Which Employees in Vietnam Have the Right to Unilaterally Terminate Employment Contracts
Duy Thịnh

Employees in Vietnam are entitled to unilaterally terminate their employment contracts without the employer's consent if they fall into any of the cases stated in this article.

For fixed-term employment contracts, seasonal contracts, or specific jobs with a term of less than 12 months in Vietnam

No Case Notice period to the company
1 Not being assigned the correct job or workplace, or not being provided with the agreed working conditions as stipulated in the employment contract At least 3 working days in advance
2 Not being paid in full or on time as agreed in the employment contract
3 Being beaten or verbally abused by the employer, or actions affecting health, dignity, honor, or forced labor; being sexually harassed at the workplace
4 The employee has been continuously treated for sickness or accident for 90 days for those working under a fixed-term contract, and a quarter of the contract term for those working under a seasonal contract or specific job with a term of less than 12 months without recovery of working capacity
5 The employee encounters difficult personal situations such as:
  • Taking leave to care for a sick or injured spouse, biological parent, spouse's parent, child, or adopted child;
  • Going abroad to live or work;
  • Family difficulties caused by natural disasters, fire, enemy-inflicted destruction, epidemic, or relocation where the employee has taken all measures but cannot continue to perform the employment contract.
At least 30 days in advance for fixed-term contracts; at least 3 working days for seasonal contracts or specific jobs with a term of less than 12 months
6 Being elected to perform special tasks at elected agencies or being appointed to hold a position in the state apparatus
7 Female employees pregnant needing leave as per the decision of a competent health care facility Depending on the duration stipulated by the competent health care facility

For indefinite-term employment contracts in Vietnam

In this case, the employee has the right to unilaterally terminate the employment contract, but he/she must notify the employer at least 45 days in advance, except for the cases regulated in Article 156 of the 2012 Labor Code.

Legal basis:

Article 37 of the 2012 Labor Code;

Article 11 of the Decree 05/2015/ND-CP.


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