Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from September 2 to September 8, 2024)

Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from September 2 to September 8, 2024)
Trần Thanh Rin

Conditions for social work practice from October 15, 2024; amendments to 5 construction norms in Circular No. 12/2021/TT-BXD; etc., are notable contents that will be covered in this bulletin.

1. Conditions for social work practice in Vietnam from October 15, 2024 

On August 30, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 110/2024/ND-CP on social work. 

According to the Decree, Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam, foreigners, and Vietnamese residing abroad complying with the Constitution and the law of Vietnam, having good moral qualities, and ensuring the following conditions shall be eligible for social work practice: 

- Having graduated from intermediate schools, colleges, universities, or postgraduate education concerning social work, sociology, psychology, special education, or other social science majors as prescribed by the law.  

- Ensuring adequate health for social work practice. 

- Not falling under the cases prescribed in Article 32 of Decree No. 110/2024/ND-CP and other cases according to administrative fine laws. 

- Having valid certificates of social work practice registration issued by competent state authorities. 

Attention: Cases prohibited from social work practice from October 15, 2024: 

- Having unspent convictions.

- Being brought to compulsory education facilities, compulsory rehabilitation facilities, or reformatories in communes, wards, or commune-level towns. 

- Being criminally prosecuted.  

- Being incapacitated or having difficulties in cognition, behavior control, limited legal capacity, and other cases as per the law. 

See more details in Decree No. 110/2024/ND-CP, effective as of October 15, 2024. 

2. Amendments to 5 construction norms in Circular No. 12/2021/TT-BXD of Vietnam 

On August 30, 2024, the Minister of Construction of Vietnam promulgated Circular No. 09/2024/TT-BXD on amendments to several construction norms promulgated in Circular No. 12/2021/TT-BXD.

Specifically, Circular No. 09/2024/TT-BXD amends several construction norms promulgated in Circular No. 12/2021/TT-BXD as follows: 

(i) Construction estimate norms; 

(ii) Technology machinery and equipment installation estimate norms; 

(iii) Construction repair and maintenance estimate norms; 

(iv) Construction material use norms; 

(v) Construction project management and counseling cost norms.

See more details in Appendixes enclosed with Circular No. 09/2024/TT-BXD.

See more details in Circular No. 09/2024/TT-BXD, effective as of October 15, 2024. 

The transitional application of amended construction norms promulgated in Circular No. 09/2024/TT-BXD shall comply with Clause 8 Article 44 of Decree No. 10/2021/ND-CP.

3. Vietnam’s guidelines on numbering apartments in apartment buildings from October 15, 2024 

On August 30, 2024, the Minister of Construction promulgated Circular No. 08/2024/TT-BXD on numbering and attaching number plates to houses and construction works. 

According to the Circular, guidelines on numbering apartments of an apartment building from October 15, 2024 are as follows: 

(1) The numbering of apartments uses the sequence of natural numbers from small to large in the direction prescribed in (2). The floor number is written before the apartment number separately with a dash (i.e., 21-05).

(2) The apartment numbering direction shall comply with the following regulations: 

(i) Clockwise, starting from the first apartment on the left of the main passageway (elevator or staircase); 

(ii) In the case of an apartment building with many passageways, the investor shall determine the main passageway. The numbering direction shall comply with (i). 

(3) The numbering of floors of the apartment building shall comply with the following regulations: 

- The floor numbering shall follow the principles of going from the lower to the upper floors, starting from floor 1 of the building (excluding the basement). The numbering uses natural numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc., and n, with n being the total floors of the building), from small to large numbers;

- Where consecutive numbering is not possible, use the number of the previous floor in combination with characters (i.e., 4 into 3A; 7 into 6A, etc.). The ground floor may be named instead of numbering it as floor 1, then the next floors from the bottom to the top are numbered floors 1, 2, etc., n-1; 

- Where the building has basements, number the basements following the principles of going from the upper basement to the lower basement, starting from the basement closest to floor 1 or the ground floor of the building. Use natural numbers (1, 2, 3, etc., and n, with n being the total number of basements of the building) to number the basements, from small to large numbers. 

To be distinguishable from the floors of the building, the investor shall decide on the addition of letters before the basement numbers (i.e., B1, B2, B3, etc., or H1, H2, H3, etc.).

(4) The numbering of the staircases of the apartment building (from 2 staircases for general use or more) shall follow the principles of using the direction from the main passageway leading to the building; the first staircase on the left shall be numbered 1, the next staircases shall be numbered 2, 3, etc., and n. 

See more details in Circular No. 08/2024/TT-BXD, effective as of October 15, 2024. 

4. Vietnam to continue research on completion of regulations on tax applicable to houses and land 

This is a content of Official Telegram No. 85/CD-TTg dated September 2, 2024 on managing the state budget estimates promulgated by the Prime Minister of Vietnam. 

Specifically, the Prime Minister of Vietnam requests ministries and central and local authorities to continue the completion of institutions, policies, and laws concerning state budget revenues, consistent implementation of measures and solutions to the management of revenues, revenue loss prevention, collection assurance, and adequate and timely collection of arising amounts as per regulation; continue the research on the completion of regulations on tax applicable to houses and land; expansion, prevention of tax base erosion, utilization of revenue sources with fiscal space, and expansion of new collection facilities; while

Accelerating and improving the effectiveness of digital transformation, information technology application, and improvement of effectiveness and efficiency in the management of revenues, especially those from e-commerce transactions, foreign providers, implementation of portals of information and data on e-commerce floors, and expansion of the implementation of e-invoices generated from cashiers for enterprises and household businesses providing goods and services directly to consumers, especially food services, etc. 

Based on the contents mentioned above, ministries and central and local authorities shall strive for the state budget revenues in 2024 to exceed the estimates assigned by the National Assembly of Vietnam by 10% and strive for the state budget revenues in 2025 to exceed the estimates in 2024 by 5% to ensure resources for tasks of expenditures according to estimates, increase expenditures to create salary reform sources, and handle irregular tasks. 

Additionally, ministries and central and local authorities shall intensify the prevention and combat against commercial frauds, transfer pricing, import price frauds, and smuggling through borders, especially business activities on digital platforms and real estate transfers; increase inspection and supervision of the implementation of regulations on the management of prices, taxes, and fees and stabilization of prices of raw materials and goods essential to the manufacturing and people’s lives.

See more details in Official Telegram No. 85/CD-TTg dated September 2, 2024. 


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