Vietnam: Dossiers for processing the occupational accident and occupational disease benefits for military servicemen after comprehensive assessment

On October 29, 2020, the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam issued Circular No. 136/2020/TT-BQP providing guidance on dossiers, procedures, and responsibilities related to the settlement of social insurance benefits within the Ministry of Defense.

Dossier for Settling OA and OD Benefits for Soldiers After Comprehensive Assessment, Circular 136/2020/TT-BQP

Dossiers for processing the occupational accident and occupational disease benefits for military servicemen after comprehensive assessment (Illustration)

Article 16 of Circular 136/2020/TT-BQP stipulates the dossier required for resolving occupational accident and disease benefits for soldiers; cipher personnel with salaries equivalent to soldiers; national defense officials, workers, and public employees; contracted laborers in agencies, units, and enterprises under the Ministry of National Defense who undergo a comprehensive assessment of labor capacity reduction as prescribed in Article 8 of Decree 88/2020/ND-CP, which includes:

1. The dossier of previously received OA or OD benefits managed by the personnel authority (for cases where OA or OD benefits have already been received), and the OA or OD dossier of instances that have not yet been assessed; Social Insurance Book.

2. A document requesting the resolution of OA or OD benefits from the head of the unit under the Ministry; for previous instances of OA or OD that have not yet been resolved, an additional document requesting resolution from the unit where the OA or OD first occurred (Form No. 03H-HBQP).

3. The original hospital discharge form or a summary (extracted copy) of the medical record after treatment for the latest OA or OD inpatient treatment; the occupational disease dossier for cases without inpatient treatment.

4. The report of the OA investigation or the report on the results of workplace environmental monitoring; in the case of a traffic accident identified as an OA, additional documents such as the site investigation report, the traffic accident site map, or the traffic accident report from the police or competent investigative authority within the Ministry of National Defense are required.

5. The original comprehensive assessment report on the degree of labor capacity reduction by the competent medical committee within the Ministry of National Defense; for previous instances of OA or OD that already have an assessment but are not eligible for benefits, the previous assessment report on the degree of labor capacity reduction is required.

6. The decision on the monthly or one-time OA or OD benefits based on the comprehensive assessment of labor capacity reduction (Form No. 03D-HBQP or Form No. 03E-HBQP).

7. The contribution record for Social Insurance (Form No. 04A-HBQP).

8. The notification for transferring pension benefits or social insurance benefits regarding monthly OA or OD benefits to localities (Form No. 10A-HBQP).

9. In cases of GĐYK fee reimbursement, the dossier as stipulated in clause 10 Article 9 of this Circular is required.

For more details, refer to Circular 136/2020/TT-BQP, which will be effective from December 12, 2020.

Le Vy


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