Technical Product List for Construction and Maintenance of the Information System in the Natural Resources and Environment in Vietnam

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam issues Circular 20/2019/TT-BTNMT stipulating the technical procedures for building, maintaining, and operating the information system in the natural resources and environment in Vietnam.

List  of  products  and  technical  procedures  for  construction,  maintenance,  and  operation  of  the  information  system  in  the  Natural  Resources  and  Environment  sector,  Circular  20/2019/TT-BTNMT

Illustrative image (source: internet)

promulgated along with Circular 20/2019/TT-BTNMT is the catalog of products and technical steps for the construction, maintenance, and operation of the information system in the Natural Resources and Environment in Vietnam. Specifically as follows:

TABLE 1. Catalog of products for the software development stage to support the management, exploitation of the database in the Natural Resources and Environment

No. Product Name Form Name Storage Format Template
1 User Requirements Document (URD) XD.01 Digital and paper XD.01.docx
2 System Requirements Specification (SRS) XD.02 Digital and paper XD.02.docx
3 Software Architecture Explanation Report XD.03 Digital and paper XD.03.docx
4 THSD Diagram Explanation Report XD.04 Digital and paper XD.04.docx
5 Sequence Diagram Explanation Report XD.05 Digital and paper XD.05.docx
6 Class Diagram Explanation Report XD.06 Digital and paper XD.06.docx
7 Database Model Explanation Report XD.07 Digital and paper XD.07.docx
8 Software Interface Design Report XD.08 Digital and paper XD.08.docx
9 Coding Standard Check Report XD.09 Digital and paper XD.09.docx
10 System Component Check Report XD.10 Digital and paper XD.10.docx
11 Overall System Check Report XD.11 Digital and paper XD.11.docx
12 Software Installation and Usage Guide   Digital and paper  
13 Packaged Software   Digital  
14 Product Handover Minutes XD.12 Digital and paper XD.12.docx
15 Software Maintenance Report XD.13 Digital and paper XD.13.docx
16 Change Request Report XD.14 Digital and paper XD.14.docx

TABLE 2. Catalog of products for the maintenance and operation stage of the information system in the Natural Resources and Environment

No. Product Name Form Name Storage Format Template
1 System Maintenance Log VH.01 Digital and paper 1. System Maintenance Log_
2 Incident List VH.02 Digital and paper 2.Incident List_VH.02.docx
3 Incident Analysis and Solution Proposal Report VH.03 Digital and paper 3.Incident Analysis and Solution Proposal
4 Incident Resolution Report VH.04 Digital and paper 4.Incident Resolution_VH.04.docx
5 Maintenance and Operation Report VH.05 Digital and paper 5.Maintenance Operation Report_VH.05.docx
6 System Recovery Report VH.06 Digital and paper 6.System Recovery Report_VH.06.docx
7 System Upgrade Report VH.07 Digital and paper 7.System Upgrade Report_VH.07.docx
8 User Support Log VH.08 Digital and paper 8.User Support Log_VH.08.docx
9 Maintenance and Replacement Log VH.09 Digital and paper 9.Maintenance and Replacement Log_VH.09.docx
10 Maintenance and Replacement Report VH.10 Digital and paper 10.Maintenance Replacement Report_VH.10.docx
11 Backup Report VH.11 Digital and paper 11.Backup Report_VH.11.docx
12 Information, Configuration Management Log VH.12 Digital and paper 12.Information Configuration Management Log_VH.12.docx

TABLE 3. Catalog of products for the inspection and acceptance stage of IT products in the Natural Resources and Environment

No. Product Name Form Name Storage Format Template
1 Inspection and Acceptance Comment Sheet for Contractor’s Documents KT.01 Digital and paper KT.01-Inspection Acceptance Opinion-Docs.docx
2 Software Requirements Verification Comment Sheet KT.02 Digital and paper KT.02_Requirements Verification_Comment.docx
3 Software Analysis and Design Verification Comment Sheet KT.03 Digital and paper KT.03-Analysis Design Verification_Comment.docx
4 Software Quality Verification Comment Sheet KT.04 Digital and paper KT.04-Quality Verification_Comment.docx
5 Software Deployment Verification Comment Sheet KT.05 Digital and paper KT.05-Deployment Verification_Comment.docx
6 Document and Product Handover Minutes KT.06 Digital and paper KT.06_Document and Product Handover.docx
7 HTPMCDLS Inspection Oversight Verification Comment Sheet KT.07 Digital and paper KT.07_Inspection Oversight_Comment.docx
8 System Backup and Recovery Verification Comment Sheet KT.08 Digital and paper KT.08_Backup Recovery_Verification.docx
9 Patch Installation Verification Comment Sheet KT.09 Digital and paper KT.09_Patch Installation_Verification.docx
10 User Support Verification Comment Sheet KT.10 Digital and paper KT.10_User Support_Verification.doc
11 Hardware Maintenance and Operation Performance Verification Sheet KT.11 Digital and paper KT.11_Hardware Maintenance Performance_Verification.docx
12 Firmware Upgrade Verification Comment Sheet KT.12 Digital and paper KT.12_Firmware Upgrade_Verification.docx
13 Software Update Verification Comment Sheet KT.13 Digital and paper KT.13_Software Update_Verification.docx
14 Configuration Information Verification Comment Sheet KT.14 Digital and paper KT.14_Configuration Management_Verification.docx
15 Inspection and Acceptance Minutes KT.15 Digital and paper KT.15_Inspection Acceptance_Minutes.docx
16 Confirmation on Post-Inspection Repair Minutes between Inspection Unit and Contractor KT.16 Digital and paper KT.16_Repair Confirmation_After Inspection.docx
17 Inspection and Acceptance Quality and Quantity Report KT.17 Digital and paper KT.17_Quality Quantity_Inspection Report.docx
18 Project Completion Acceptance Minutes KT.18 Digital and paper KT.18_Project Completion_Acceptance.docx

See the complete rules at Circular 20/2019/TT-BTNMT effective from February 5, 2020.

Thu Ba


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