Procedures for organizing meetings for Branches of Communist Party of Vietnam in 2018

On July 6, 2018, the Central Organizing Committee promulgated Guidance 12-HD/BTCTW on improving the quality of branch meetings, replacing Guidance 09-HD/BTCTW dated March 2, 2012.

File with detailed guidance on organizing meetings for Branches of Communist Party of Vietnam

The organization of branch meetings in 2018 is implemented through 03 steps as follows according to Guide 12:

INTRODUCTION - State the reason, introduce the delegates (if any).

- Appoint a secretary to record the minutes of the branch meeting.

- Announce the situation of Communist Party members: Number present, absent (with or without reason).

- Approve the content and agenda of the branch meeting.
PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting

- The Branch Secretary reports the content of the meeting prepared by the Branch Committee and suggests discussion points.

- Communist Party members give opinions, focusing on key issues directly related to the branch’s activities; self-criticism on the result of the assigned tasks; contribute and criticize the Party members in the branch.

- The Branch Secretary provides information and orientation to clarify issues of concern, creating a democratic, open atmosphere, encouraging Party members to participate and contribute to make the meeting effective.
  Thematic Meeting

- The Branch Secretary states the purpose and requirements of the thematic meeting.

- Assigned Communist Party members prepare and present the draft thematic report.

- Party members express their understanding of the theme and its implications for themselves; relate it to the branch, agency, unit, locality; exchange ideas and contribute to perfecting the draft thematic report.

- Assigned Communist Party members incorporate feedback to improve the draft. After completion, the report must be sent to Party members in the branch (for large branches, it may be sent to Party groups) for study, learning, and reporting to the direct superior committee.
CONCLUSION Regular Meeting

The Branch Secretary carries out the following main tasks:

- Summarize the opinions expressed at the meeting; adopt feedback to improve the content of the branch meeting; assign tasks to Party members and set deadlines.

- Orient the ideology of Party members; resolve or report to competent authorities the concerns, aspirations, proposals, and recommendations of Party members.

- Approve the resolution or conclusion.

- Evaluate the quality of the meeting.

- The secretary presents the minutes of the branch meeting.
  Thematic Meeting

The Branch Secretary evaluates the preparation, quality of the theme; its significance and impact on the branch and Party members. Conclude the contents to be adopted to finalize the draft thematic report.
Note: Do not combine professional meetings with branch meetings. The thematic meetings do not replace regular branch meetings; if the branch faces difficulties in terms of time and location, it can combine the thematic meeting with the regular branch meeting in the same session but must be conducted sequentially, finishing the regular meeting before starting the thematic meeting or vice versa.


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