Preparations for electing village chiefs and residential group leaders in Vietnam

What are the regulations on preparations for electing village chiefs and residential group leaders in Vietnam? – Thuy Hanh (Hanoi)

Preparations for electing village chiefs and residential group leaders in Vietnam
Preparations for electing village chiefs and residential group leaders in Vietnam (Internet image)

Preparations for the election of village chief and residential group leader in Vietnam

Contents stipulated in Decree 59/2023/ND-CP dated August 14, 2023, guiding the Law on Implementing Democracy at the Grassroots, taking effect on August 15, 2023.

(1) The Chairman of the Commune People's Committee is responsible

- Issue a decision to organize the election of village heads and residential group leaders; Chair and coordinate with the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at the commune level to develop plans, provide professional guidance, and organize the implementation of the plan at least 20 days before the meeting date of the residential community. to elect village chiefs and residential group leaders.

- Issue a decision to establish an election team no later than 10 days before the meeting of the community to elect village heads and residential group leaders after reaching agreement with the commune-level Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee.

The election team includes: a representative of the Front Working Committee in the village or residential group as the Team Leader; members are representatives of mass organizations, political and social organizations, and households in villages and residential groups (not candidates for village head or residential group leader).

Decisions must be notified to people in villages and residential groups, posted at cultural houses and community houses of villages and residential groups, and announced on the radio system or in other forms suitable to local conditions at least 07 days before the election day.

(2) The Head of the Front Working Committee in the village or residential group organizes a meeting of the Front Working Committee in the village or residential group to draft a list of candidates for Village Head and Residential Group Leader; reports to the village Party Committee and residential group to agree to introduce at least 01 person to run for Village Head or Residential Group Leader; organizes a meeting of the Front Working Committee in the village or residential group after receiving opinions from the village Party Committee or residential group to decide on the official list of candidates (at least 01 person). The content of the meeting must be recorded in minutes according to form No. 05 attached to Decree 59/2023/ND-CP and sent to the Commune People's Committee at least 15 days before the date of the meeting of the residential community.

Conduct of the election of Village Head and Residential Group Leader in Vietnam

The organization of electing village heads and residential group leaders at meetings of the residential community shall comply with the provisions of Article 3 of Decree 59/2023/ND-CP.

Recognition of election results in Vietnam

Within 05 working days from the date of receiving the decision approved by the community, the Commune People's Committee shall consider and decide to recognize the elected Village Head or Residential Group Leader or decide to re-elect; In case a decision on recognition or re-election is not issued, a written response must be made clearly stating the reason.

Village heads and residential group leaders officially operate when there is a recognition decision from the commune-level People's Committee.

More details can be found in Decree 59/2023/ND-CP

Decree 59/2023/ND-CP details Clause 4, Article 23; Clause 4, Article 33; Clause 3, Article 40; Clause 4, Article 45; Clause 3, Article 63; and Clause 4, Article 81 of the Law on Implementation of Grassroots-level Democracy, include the following contents:

- Organize community meetings; distribute ballots to collect opinions from households; Online voting in villages and residential groups for people to discuss and decide; the process of electing and dismissing village chiefs and residential group leaders; Organize periodic community meetings.

- Organization and operations of the People's Inspection Board in communes, wards, and towns; of the Community Investment Supervision Board.

- Organization and operations of the People's Inspection Board in agencies and units; in state-owned enterprises.

Duong Chau Thanh


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