Positions in the medical field subject to periodic transfer in Vietnam as of April 15, 2024

What are the positions in the medical field subject to periodic transfer in Vietnam as of April 15, 2024?

Positions in the medical field subject to periodic transfer as of April 15, 2024

Positions in the medical field subject to periodic transfer in Vietnam as of April 15, 2024 (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On March 1, 2024, the Minister of Health issued Circular 01/2024/TT-BYT on the List and deadline for the periodic transfer of working positions for officials not holding leadership or management positions in units under the Ministry of Health and within the scope of management in the local health sector.

Positions in the medical field subject to periodic transfer in Vietnam as of April 15, 2024

According to Article 2 of Circular 01/2024/TT-BYT, the list of positions in the medical field subject to periodic transfer is specified as follows:

Receive documents, process them, and submit them to competent authorities for decision on: issuance, re-issuance, adjustment, revocation, renewal, change, supplement, announcement of all types of licenses, registrations, certificates, confirmations, certificates, and application receipt numbers; promulgation of lists, programs, and documents in the fields of state management of health, including:

(1) Preventive medicine

- Certificate of testing facility meeting biosafety standards level III and level IV;

- License to import medical samples;

- Circulation registration number, import license, and certificate of free circulation for chemicals, insecticidal, and antibacterial products used in the household and medical fields;

- Certificate of advertising content for chemicals, insecticidal, and antibacterial products used in the household and medical fields;

- Certificate of eligibility for testing confirming HIV positive cases;

- Receipt of declaration of conformity with regulations, certificate of declaration of conformity with regulations for cigarettes;

- Operating license for clinics and occupational disease treatment.

(2) Medical examination and treatment

- License to practice medical examination and treatment;

- License for medical examination and treatment activities;

- Certificate of advertising content for medical examination and treatment services;

- Technical list of medical examination and treatment facilities.

(3) Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and traditional medicine

- Certificate of registration for the circulation of drugs and medicinal ingredients;

- License to export and import drugs, medicinal ingredients, and packaging in direct contact with drugs;

- Pharmaceutical product certificates for drug trading units according to the provisions of law;

- Certificate of pharmacy practice;

- Certificate of eligibility to trade in pharmaceuticals, medicinal materials, and traditional medicines;

- Certificate of facility meeting good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards for drugs and medicinal ingredients; packaging in direct contact with drugs; good laboratory practice (GLP) for drugs and medicinal ingredients; good storage practices (GSP) for drugs and medicinal ingredients; good clinical practice (GCP);

- Certificate of facility meeting cosmetic good manufacturing practice standards (CGMP);

- Certificate of eligibility for cosmetic production;

- Number of receipts for cosmetic product announcement;

- Certificate of cosmetic advertising;

- Certificate of registration for circulation of medicinal materials and traditional medicines according to the provisions of law;

- Certificate of facility meeting standards of good farming and medicinal practice practices (GACP) according to the provisions of law;

- Certificate of the person having a family medicine or traditional treatment method.

- Certificate of information content, traditional medicine advertising content, and adjustment of information content, traditional medicine advertising content

(4) Food safety and nutrition

- Receipt of product declaration registration for health protection foods and mixed food additives with new uses, dood additives that are not included in the list of additives permitted for use in food or are not intended for use in food as prescribed by the Ministry of Health;

- Certificate of advertising content confirmation for health protection foods, medical nutritional products, foods for special diets, and nutritional products for children up to 36 months old;

- Certificate of free circulation for food products in the assigned management field;

- Health certificate and other certificates for exported food products when requested by organizations or individuals according to the provisions of law;

- Certificate of establishment meeting food safety conditions for production and business establishments: mixed food additives with new uses, food additives that are not on the list of permitted additives or are not intended for use in food as prescribed by the Ministry of Health, bottled drinking water, natural mineral water, instant ice, ice used for food processing, food supplement manufacturing facilities,
Medical nutritional foods, foods for special diets, nutritional products for children up to 36 months old;

- Certificate of establishment meeting food safety conditions that meet the requirements of good manufacturing practices (GMP) for health protection foods according to the provisions of law.

(5) Medical equipment

- Circulation number of medical equipment;

- Certificate of free circulation for medical equipment;

- License to import medical equipment;

- Certificate of registration of medical equipment inspection activities within the assigned management scope;

- Number of receipts of dossiers declaring the facility's eligibility to produce medical equipment and dossiers announcing the facility's eligibility to buy and sell medical equipment.

(6) Health insurance:

- List and payment rates and conditions for modern drugs, pharmaceutical chemicals, biological products, and markers; list of medicinal drugs, traditional drugs, drugs combining pharmaceutical ingredients with medicinal materials, traditional drugs, and medicinal materials; medical supplies within the scope of the benefits of health insurance participants;

- Free medical support program for medical examinations and treatment facilities to treat patients that are not covered by foreign non-governmental aid.

(7) Science and technology:

- Certificate of good clinical drug testing practice.

- List of ministerial-level science and technology tasks.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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