Measures for controlling the access to radioactive sources in Vietnam

On November 08, 2012, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam issued the Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN on controlling and ensuring radiation safety in occupational exposure and public exposure.

Các biện pháp kiểm soát việc tiếp cận nguồn phóng xạ, Thông tư 19/2012/TT-BKHCN


According to Article 9 of Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, the organizations and individuals that do radiological works must take the following administrative and technical measures for controlling the access to radioactive sources:

- Set up a system of interlocks or mechanical locks at places for storing or using radioactive sources of class 1 and class 2 in accordance with the Technical regulation QCVN 6:2010-BKHCN on radiation protection - Categorization and classification of radioactive sources; places for using accelerators; places for treating radioactive substances, radioactive pharmaceuticals, and places for storing radioactive waste;

- Set up signs and fences to prevent the access to the sources;

- Oblige the use of entrance and exit licenses or ID cards in such areas; appoint persons to supervise the entry and exit in controlled areas;

- Formulate a regulation on controlling the persons authorized to access radioactive sources.

Moreover, the organizations and individuals that do radiological works must take the following administrative and technical measures for controlling the entry and exit in supervised areas:

- Formulate the regulation on entering and exiting such areas;

- Set up signs and fences to prevent the entry and exit in such areas.

Besides, according to Article 10 of Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, the organizations and individuals that do radiological works using open radioactive sources must control the surface radioactive contamination and air radioactive contamination by implementing the following measures:

- Use closed systems such as sucking cabinets.

- Use materials for radioactive decontamination for the walls, the floor, and the surface susceptible to radioactive contamination.

- Take measures to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination.

- Use a ventilation system having radioactive substance filters.

- Use devices to measure dose rates, radioactive contamination, and other test methods to monitor and assess the level of contamination.

View more details at the Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, effective from December 23, 2012.

Le Vy


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