Hanoi-Vietnam: Skills required for graduates of college-level television production technology

Recently, the Vietnam Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the minimum knowledge volume and competency requirements for graduates from intermediate and college levels in the fields of arts, journalism, and information in Vietnam.

Kỹ năng trình độ cao đẳng của ngành kỹ thuật sản xuất chương trình truyền hình, thông tư 19/2019/TT-BLĐTBXH

Hanoi-Vietnam: Skills required for graduates of college-level television production technology (Illustrative image)

Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates that college-level television production technology in Vietnam is a major that involves the exploitation and use of image recording, audio recording, editing, lighting, transmission, specialized software, etc., to create various types of television programs (in video signal form) according to the script's requirements, director's, and editor's directives, meeting the requirements of Level 5 in the National Qualifications Framework of Vietnam. The field of college-level television production technology must meet the following skill requirements:

- Be proficient in exploiting, using, operating, and preserving cameras, lenses, lights, and supporting equipment;- Proficiency in editing works of news and television reportage genres;

- Proficiently use Adobe Audition CC software to perform audio recording, editing, mixing, and dubbing;

- Proficiently use various types of lights to set up lighting for television program production; troubleshooting of lighting equipment; setting up basic lighting programs at the lighting control panel;

- Be able to use television effects to complete works;- Be able to perform basic operations in 3D Max software, design logos, identifiers, and virtual studios for television programs;

- Proficiently use audio system equipment in pre-production such as connecting, adjusting, and handling the audio system in an Audio Studio, Video Studio, and during events;

- Be able to use basic equipment in the imaging system; connecting, checking equipment, and troubleshooting common issues;

- Be able to exploit and preserve mobile equipment; connect and operate mobile equipment for television program production;

- Operate specialized broadcasting software, scheduling broadcasts as required;

- Analyze and process information: be able to search, and aggregate social events, and information related to the industry; analyze and process information to perform specialized tasks;

- Quickly adapt to a professional working environment and working under pressure;

- Have basic skills in communication, presentation, explanation, and persuasion of others on content and solutions to implement ideas in actual work;

- Organize, manage, coordinate, respect, and listen to other team members;

- Handle flexibly and effectively situations arising during the work process;

- Have basic information technology skills as required; exploiting and applying informatics software to the professional work of television program production engineering;

- Have basic usage of foreign languages, achieving level 2/6 in Vietnam's Foreign Language Proficiency Framework; and apply foreign languages to professional tasks in the field.

Details can be viewed at Circular 19/2019/TT-BLDTBXH effective from February 6, 2020.

Ty Na


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