Application for registration of joint training programs for bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees in Vietnam

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has issued Circular No. 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT providing for joint training programs for bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees delivered by online and blended learning methods.

Hồ sơ đăng ký liên kết đào tạo trực tuyến với nước ngoài trình độ cao học, Thông tư 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT

According to Article 8 of Circular No. 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, application for cooperation in joint training program delivered by online or blended learning method is provided for by Clause 1 Article 21 of Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, specifically including:

- A written application form for approval for joint training program with a foreign partner, signed by both parties using form No.06 in the Appendix hereto.

- An agreement or a cooperation contract between two parties, in which there is specific information about both parties and responsibilities taken by both parties for the provided information about the program, studying and teaching materials, lecturers, facilities, examination, assessment, qualifications, financial information and other related information.

- The documents proving the legal status of both parties including: A certified true copy or a copy enclosed with an original of the decision on approving the establishment of the educational institution, or other equivalent.

- The documents proving that both Vietnamese educational institutions and foreign educational institutions are permitted to provide training in the expected sector. (a certified true copy or a copy enclosed with an original).

- A certificate of accreditation for foreign training program or documents on recognition of the education quality from a competent agency (a certified true copy or a copy enclosed with an original).

- A written approval for the joint training program conducted with a foreign partner from the superior body, which is applicable to Vietnamese educational institution (if any).

- The project of joint training conducted with a foreign partner which is developed by both partners using form No.7 in the Appendix hereto, shall include the following contents: The necessity; the objectives of the joint training program; the introduction of both parties; the contents of joint training program; the discipline and level of training; the facilities, equipment and teaching contents; the list of expected lecturers enclosed with their resumes; the enrollment candidates and enrollment criteria; the training scale; the forms of examination and assessment; qualifications expected to be issued; the equivalence between the foreign certificates and Vietnam's certificates; the measures for maintaining education quality and protecting benefits of learners and employees; the management staff; the resumes of the representatives of the Vietnamese educational institution and foreign educational institution that participate in managing the program; the tuition rates and financial aids from Vietnam's and foreign entities (if any); the budget estimates; the financial management mechanism; responsibilities and entitlements of both parties; responsibilities and entitlements of teachers and learners.

View details at Circular No. 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, effective from November 20, 2020.

Le Vy


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