Detailed joint training programs for bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees in Vietnam

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has issued Circular No. 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT providing for joint training programs for bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees delivered by online and blended learning methods.

Chi tiết chương trình đào tạo liên kết với nước ngoài trình độ cao học, Thông tư 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT

According to Article 4 of Circular No. 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, joint training programs for bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees delivered by online and blended learning methods are prescribed as follows:

-  Any accredited training program of a foreign institution which is currently provided at the main campus and the degree of which is recognized by an education authority of the home country of the foreign institution.

- Any joint training program for bachelor’s degree that consists of a training program provided at the main campus of the foreign institution and an online training program in the same or a relevant academic discipline currently provided by the Vietnamese institution, both of which have had at least one graduating class.

- Any joint training program for master’s or doctorate degree that consists of a training program provided at the main campus of the foreign institution and a training program in the same or a relevant academic discipline currently provided by the Vietnamese institution by the blended learning method with at least 20% of total classes delivered online, both of which have had at least one graduating class.

- Joint training programs for master’s or doctorate degree no more than 30% of total classes of which are delivered online. Training programs developed by both foreign and Vietnamese institutions in any of the following cases:

+ In case learners receive a degree of the foreign institution upon completion of the training program, this program must be developed, appraised and promulgated according to regulations of the home country of the foreign institution and retain the core content of the training program of the foreign institution;

+ In case learners receive a degree from both foreign and Vietnamese institutions upon completion of the training program, this program must be developed, appraised and promulgated according to regulations of the home country of the foreign institution and of Vietnam and retain the core content of the training program of the foreign institution.

View details at Circular No. 38/2020/TT-BGDĐT of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, effective from November 20, 2020.

Le Vy


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