In each working year, officials and public employees shall be evaluated and classified as a basis for allocation, utilization, training, fostering, grade promotion or rank advancement of professional titles, etc., and for the implementation of other policies concerning officials and public employees.
In order to support our Valued Customers and Members during the evaluation and classification process, Thu Ky Law respectfully introduces to our Valued Customers and Members 03 Samples of the end-of-year 2019 Evaluation and Classification forms for officials and public employees in the following article.
1. Evaluation and classification form for officials
2. Evaluation and classification form for officials
3. Evaluation and classification form for public employees
In which, the evaluation and classification form for public employees includes the following important sections:
- Self-assessment of work results, self-cultivation, and self-training of public employees
+ Results of work or tasks according to the signed employment contract;
+ Compliance with professional ethics regulations;
+ Responsibility spirit, attitude in serving the public, cooperation spirit with colleagues, and implementation of conduct rules of public employees;
+ Fulfillment of other obligations of public employees;
+ Leadership, management, and organizational capacity in task execution;
+ Performance results of the unit under management responsibility.
- Self-evaluation and classification of public employees
+ Assessment of strengths and weaknesses;
+ Classification of the assessment.
(Classification is based on one of the four levels: Excellently completing the task; Well completing the task; Completing the task; Not completing the task.)
- Opinions of the unit collective and direct managers of the public employees
+ Opinions of the unit collective where the public employee works;
+ Comments from the direct manager.
- Evaluation and classification results of public employees by competent authorities
+ Assessment of strengths and weaknesses;
+ Evaluation and classification results of public employees.
(Classification is based on one of the four levels: Excellently completing the task; Well completing the task; Completing the task; Not completing the task.)
These forms are issued attached to Decree 56/2015/ND-CP on the evaluation and classification of officials, public employees, and civil servants.
Nguyen Trinh