Which authorities and units shall receive forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam?

Which authorities and units shall receive forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam? What are regulations on care and preservation of forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam? What are responsibilities of authorities and units receiving forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam? What are methods for handling forest animal in Vietnam after being submitted? What are regulations on release of forest animals in Vietnam into the wild?

Thank you!

Which authorities and units shall receive forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Circular 29/2019/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating as follows:

1. National parks affiliated to Vietnam Administration of Forestry.

2. Forest animal rescue facilities managed by the State, zoos managed by the State, and management boards of reserve forests not affiliated to Vietnam Administration of Forestry and having an animal rescue facility.

3. District-level forest ranger authorities and provincial forest ranger authorities.

What are regulations on care and preservation of forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Circular 29/2019/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating care and preservation of forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam as follows:

1. Receiving authorities and units shall care for and preserve forest animals voluntarily submitted while procedures for establishment of all-people ownership are being carried out and plans for handling of forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State (hereinafter referred to as “voluntarily submitted animal handling plan”) are being formulated and approved.

2. In case a forest ranger authority receiving a forest animal is unable to care for or preserve it, it shall be transferred to a facility capable of such task. The transfer must be recorded using Form No. 01 enclosed with this Circular.

What are responsibilities of authorities and units receiving forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 9 of the Circular 29/2019/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating responsibilities of authorities and units receiving forest animals voluntarily submitted to the State by organizations and individuals in Vietnam as follows:

1. Receiving authorities and units shall draw up forest animal delivery records using Form No. 01 enclosed with this Circular.

2. If a national park prescribed in Clause 1 Article 7 of this Circular receives a forest animal voluntarily submitted to the State, it shall carry out the procedures for establishment of the all-people ownership, and formulate and submit the voluntarily submitted animal handling plan to the Director General of the Vietnam Administration of Forestry according to regulations of laws on management and use of public property.

3. If a district-level forest ranger authority or a regulatory body or unit prescribed in Clause 2 Article 7 of this Circular receives an endangered, rare or precious forest animal voluntarily submitted to the State, immediately after such receipt, it shall send a written notification and the delivery record to the provincial forest ranger authority to carry out the procedures for establishment of the all-people ownership, and formulate and approve the voluntarily submitted animal handling plan according to regulations of laws on management and use of public property.

4. If a regulatory body or unit prescribed in Clauses 2 and 3 Article 7 of this Circular receives a usual forest animal voluntarily submitted to the State, it shall carry out the procedures for establishment of the all-people ownership, and formulate and approve the voluntarily submitted animal handling plan according to regulations of laws on management and use of public property.

5. Handling of forest animals received under handling plans is provided for in Chapter III of this Circular.

What are methods for handling forest animal in Vietnam after being submitted?

Pursuant to Article 10 of the Circular 29/2019/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating methods for handling forest animal in Vietnam after being submitted as follows:

1. Forest animal handling methods include:

a) Release of the forest animal into the wild;

b) Rescue of the forest animal;

c) Transfer of the forest animal to a zoo, a scientific research facility, an institution for environmental education or a specialized museum;

d) Sale of the forest animal;

dd) Disposal of the forest animal.

2. The forest animal handling methods in Clause 1 of this Article are listed in order of priority, from Point a to Point dd; a handling method shall only be adopted if the one immediately preceding it is inapplicable.

What are regulations on release of forest animals in Vietnam into the wild?

Pursuant to Article 11 of the Circular 29/2019/TT-BNNPTNT stipulating release of forest animals in Vietnam into the wild as follows:

1. Targets: Alive and healthy forest animals.

2. Conditions:

a) The animal’s habitat can be identified;

b) The animal is confirmed healthy by a veterinary authority or an animal rescue facility managed by the State in an animal health record made using Form No. 02 enclosed with this Circular;

c) If the animal can pose a risk to humans, protective measures must be taken against it after its release;

d) If the regulatory body or unit releasing the animal does not own the forest where the animal is to be released, a written consent from the owner of such forest, which is made using Form No. 03 enclosed with this Circular, must be obtained.

3. Procedure:

a) Head of the regulatory body or unit with competence in handling the forest animal shall promulgate a decision to release the animal into the wild;

b) Participants in release of the forest animal into the wild include the regulatory body or unit in charge of the release, local forest ranger authority and forest owner (for the case stated in Point d Clause 2 herein). The regulatory body or unit in charge may invite a witness, the authority given power to institute legal proceedings (if the animal is an exhibit), the local government, a communication authority and relevant parties;

c) The regulatory body or unit in charge of the release shall draw up a record on the release using Form No. 04 enclosed with this Circular.

Best regards!

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